
How do we recognize that someone is lying to us? Spot the liar! #TED talc

The "rumor" lies

If you've ever watched the drama series Lie to me, then you know that covert lying is practically impossible, because unconscious body language always betrays us. On average, people come across 10 to 200 lies per day, so the knowledge of applied psychology, as we witnessed in the aforementioned series, seems to be useful. But you can recognize a lie even without this kind of knowledge, namely through the language used by the liar.

How do we recognize that someone is lying to us? Simple. And for this we do not need polygraph, which detects lies on a physiological level or knowledge from of applied psychology, but through language, used by one who lies.

READ MORE: White lies - the most common lies that are actually just plain lies

The "rumor" lies. Jim Carrey tells a bunch of lies in You, You Liar. Would you be able to recognize them?
The "rumor" is a lie. Jim Carrey tells a bunch of lies in You, You Liar. Would you be able to recognize them?

Analyzes have shown that they exist four patterns in the language of lying, which can help spot a scam. For example, liars usually talk then in the third person or they mention themselves very little. What about other patterns other than gestures or facial expressions? About them in the instructive and useful TED talk Noah Zendn.

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