
How do you recognize a man who will definitely cheat on you!

Men, by their basic evolutionary nature of "hunters", are fundamentally inclined to infidelity. This is also why we present to you in particular those signs that clearly show that yours is particularly prone to infidelity.

They exist obvious signs, which may indicate that your man is prone to infidelity. Pay attention to these things that may betray him and show you what he really is. In the record, we also find some clear signs that infidelity took place.

He doesn't respect his mother

According to dr. According to Carole Leiberman, author of Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them, women need to watch carefully how their husband or boyfriend treats their mother. If he is disrespectful to her, it is very likely that he is disrespectful to you.

2. He is an introspective narcissist

Beware of men who are self-absorbed, narcissistic and lack compassion. Men who see women as objects are more likely to be unfaithful. Don't try to change them or make them think they need you because they won't change. He doesn't even want that.

He is a self-absorbed narcissist.
He is a self-absorbed narcissist.

3. Feel important

A study conducted at Tilburg University in the Netherlands shows that important people have more frequent affairs. dr. Joris Lammers reports that the relationship between power and trust is stronger than the relationship between power and infidelity. The best way to keep a man faithful is to become his confidant while not letting his power get to his head.

4. He has low self-esteem

If he is constantly worried about getting old, losing his hair, or getting fired, then his self-esteem is most likely falling. He might try to fix things by having an affair, because that will make him feel more masculine. The best way to help him is not to compare his success to the success of others and at the same time encourage him to achieve his goals.

He has low self-esteem.
He has low self-esteem.

5. He indulges in bad habits

Men who drink heavily or even take drugs tend to have no boundaries and believe they can do whatever they want - even cheat.

6. He suddenly becomes very critical

If he's never been interested in your weight or the way you clean your apartment, but suddenly nothing feels right or makes him upset, then that's a good sign that something is wrong. If he is constantly criticizing and belittling you, he is probably trying to manipulate you to divert attention from his bad behavior. Before jumping to conclusions, try to figure out if it might be stress or depression.

He indulges in bad habits.
He indulges in bad habits.

7. He flirts with everyone

If he likes to charm every girl who crosses his path - mother, sister, friends, etc. – to the point where you think they're going to melt next to him, then that's almost certainly what's happening. Make it clear that you will end the relationship if he does not stop doing this. Men can be charming without cheating, but they can still be more cautious.

8. He always forgets

Did he forget your birthday, your favorite restaurant or your favorite taste? Did he forget his promises? If he pretends to forget his mistake, tries to confuse you and mixes your favorite things with other people's things, then this is not a good sign.

He flirts with everyone.
He flirts with everyone.

9. He is restrained

If he hides when someone calls him, or doesn't answer calls when you're around, you might be concerned. If you regularly change your password and 'forget' your phone at work or in the car, these are reasons for concern.

10. Your intimacy changes

If he is less loving but still wants to be loved, your intimacy is not the same. If you have concerns, talk about it. Tell him that he needs to be more loving, that he has changed, and ask him if anything is wrong. If he denies the change, be careful. Maybe something is going on.

If he denies the change, be careful.
If he denies the change, be careful.

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