
How to recognize heatstroke in dogs: Never cover them with a wet towel

Which breeds are most at risk?

Photo: envato

Have you ever noticed that your dog is panting more than usual on hot summer days? Have you ever wondered if this is normal or a sign of something more serious? How can you ensure your pet stays safe from the dangers of heat stroke?

Heatstroke in dogs is a serious condition that can develop quickly and have severe consequences. Therefore, it is crucial that owners know how to recognize the signs and know how to take appropriate action.

Summer is the time when we like to go on long walks, trips and picnics with our furry friends. But high temperatures can pose a serious danger to our dogs.

When it gets hot, dogs can't cool down the same way humans do. Since they do not have sweat glands, they cool themselves mainly by panting, which is sometimes not enough. So how do you know if your dog is at risk of heat stroke? And what to do if you notice something serious going on?

Signs of heat stroke in dogs

1. Heavy panting and rapid breathing:

Dogs regulate their body temperature by panting, as they do not have sweat glands like humans. If you notice that your dog is breathing heavily and quickly, this may be the first sign that he is overheating.

Let him enjoy the shade with you. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

2. Excessive salivation:

Excessive drooling is one way a dog tries to cool down. If you notice that your dog is drooling profusely, be on the lookout for other symptoms of heat stroke.

3. Restlessness or disorientation:

A dog that is restless or disoriented may be showing signs of heat stroke. This includes confusion, inability to walk straight, or unusual behavior.

4. Vomiting and diarrhea:

stroke can cause digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms can be a sign that the dog's condition is already serious and requires immediate attention.

5. Weakness and collapse:

If the dog becomes very weak or even collapses, this is a sign of severe dehydration and overheating. Such a situation is urgent and requires immediate action.

Always have enough water available. Photo: Gever / Pexels

6. Bright red or dark tongue and gums:

Changes in the color of the tongue and gums can be a sign of heatstroke. Bright red or dark tongue and gums indicate overheating and lack of oxygen in the body.

The most endangered breeds

Some breeds are more prone to heat stroke due to their physiology. Among the most endangered are:

  • Bulldogs: Due to their short muzzle, they have difficulty breathing, which makes cooling difficult.
  • Pugs: They also have a short muzzle and are prone to breathing problems.
  • Boxers: These dogs are active and quickly become overheated.
  • Bernardines: Their thick fur makes them more sensitive to heat.
  • Huskies: They are adapted to cold climates and have problems with heat.
Photo: Pixabay

What to do if a dog has heat stroke

If you suspect your dog has heat stroke, you need to act quickly:

  • Instant cooling: Move the dog to the shade or a cool place. Offer him fresh, cool water, but don't force him to drink too much at once.
  • Use of cold water: Use cool (not cold) water to cool the dog. You can pour water over it or use a wet towel, but never cover the dog with a wet towel as this can make the condition worse. A wet towel can act as an insulator and actually trap heat in the dog's body instead of cooling it down. Covering with a wet towel can cause some parts of the dog's body to overheat, as the towel does not allow the whole body to cool down evenly. Instead, it is better to cool the dog with by gently pouring cold water or using a fan to circulate the air.
  • As soon as possible call the vet and follow his instructions. Heat stroke is a serious condition and often requires professional care.

With proper care and prompt action, you can prevent the serious consequences of heat stroke in your dog. Pay attention to the signs and always ensure the comfort and safety of your pet in hot weather days.

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