
How to Know You Are Protected by a Guardian Angel: 7+ Mystical Warnings

Do you have a guardian with you?!

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Photo: Pexels / Koolshooters

Do you ever wonder if you have your own personal invisible superhero protecting you from everyday dangers? Guardian angels are here to guide us, protect us and sometimes even give us a little nudge when we decide to do something stupid. Are you protected by a guardian angel? Here are six signs that you have your own personal angel with wings!

Are you protected by a guardian angel? From ancient civilizations to modern times, angels have played a vital role in human history. These mystical creatures, often depicted as heavenly beings with majestic wings, symbolize the connection between man and the divine, between the earthly and the heavenly.

The first mentions of angels date back to ancient Sumerian records, where they were described as messengers of the gods, carrying messages between heaven and earth. In ancient Egypt, angels represented spiritual guides who helped the souls of the departed on their way to the afterlife.

In Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions, angels are described as servants of God who carry out God's will and serve as intermediaries between God and humans. In these religions, angels are often depicted as protectors, guides, and even as divine warriors.

In the Renaissance, artists and philosophers began to depict the angel as a symbol of human contact with the divine, as a bridge between the earthly and the heavenly. During this period, angels became a popular subject in art, literature, and philosophy.

Today, angels are still part of global culture and spirituality. Many people believe in personal guardian angels who protect and guide them through life. Reports of encounters with angels range from miraculous deliverances from dangerous situations to comforting messages during difficult times.

Despite different interpretations and representations throughout history, the basic message about angels is always the same: they represent the eternal connection between man and the greater universe, between the earthly and the divine.

Are you protected by a guardian angel?
Photo: pexels / koolshooters

6 mystical signs that you are protected by a guardian angel

  1. You hear strange voices
    Suddenly you hear a voice that warns you or guides you. This voice is clear, but you cannot connect it to any source around you. You don't have to be afraid that you've gone crazy, maybe your little angel is whispering something smart to you!
  2. Dreams or predictions
    Dreams are often a means through which guardian angels communicate important information to us. If you dream of an event before it happens, or feel a strong sense of foreboding, this could be a warning from your guardian angel. Or you just have a really vivid imagination and it would be worth writing a book of some kind.
  3. Unpleasant feeling in the stomach
    A feeling of discomfort or anxiety in the stomach area, when there is no obvious reason for it, can be a sign that something or someone is threatening you. Although if you just ate three kebabs, that could also be the reason. Your angel might just give you a hint that it would be better to stay with one.
  4. Sudden technical problems
    Sudden and unexplained technical problems, such as car or electronic device breakdowns, can be your guardian angels' way of warning you of danger. Or maybe it's time to update your almost antique phone. After all, if your angel can't communicate through your phone, it's hard to be safe.
  5. Warnings from other people
    Sometimes guardian angels use other people to warn you of dangers. If suddenly a stranger or even a friend warns you about something, it can be a sign that you need to be careful. Or maybe a friend just wants to protect you from another fashion faux pas. Thank goodness for friends and angels, right?
  6. A sudden change in mood or intuition
    If you suddenly feel fear, anxiety or discomfort for no apparent reason, this could be a warning from your guardian angel. Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to immediately replace the sofa with a yoga mat, but it might make sense to listen to that inner voice that tells you that it's time to move.
  7. Feathers in odd places
    If you find feathers in places where you wouldn't expect them, it could be a sign that your guardian angel is near. These little white pens are like an angel's business card.
  8. Sudden feelings of warmth
    If you suddenly feel a pleasant warmth or peace when you are in a stressful situation, it could be a sign that your guardian angel is there to calm you down. This feeling is like a hug from heaven.
  9. Strange coincidences and synchronicities
    If you have strange coincidences or synchronicities that lead you to the right decisions or get you out of trouble, it could be the work of your guardian angel. When things sort of work themselves out, that's the angel's work in action.
Photo: pexels / koolshooters

So pay attention to these mystical signs sent to you by your heavenly allies. Maybe right now your guardian angel is warning you that it's time to stop surfing the web and get outside for some fresh air!

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