Do stress and anxiety often hinder you from performing your daily tasks? How can you eliminate stress in just 23 seconds?
How to quickly overcome stress? The 23-second method, used by top athletes, is suitable for everyone and can be done anywhere.
Stress and tension are often unavoidable parts of modern life, but that doesn't mean we can't effectively combat them. Simple breathing exercise, which only takes 23 seconds, can help you calm down, lower your heart rate, and regain a sense of control.
Why exactly 23 seconds to relieve stress?
This time period was used by athletes in tense moments when they needed to keep a cool head. One of the most famous examples is NBA basketball player LeBron JamesDuring free throws, he uses this exact technique to reduce tension and regain focus.
If it works in the most difficult situations, why wouldn't it work for you?
Step One: Create a Moment of Awareness
First, stop and take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Where are you now? What is your mood? Writing this down or simply focusing on your feelings can help you identify the source of your tension.
Step Two: Breathe Deeply
Set yourself up timer at 23 seconds. During this time, focus completely on your breathing. Take a deep breath through your nose, feel the air filling your lungs, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Pay attention to the movement of your body as the breath flows through you.
If your thoughts wander during this, gently guide them back to your breathing. This exercise is discreet, meaning you can do it anywhere – before an important meeting, in the car, or even at home.
Step Three: Track Your Progress
When you finish the exercise, ask yourself: How do you feel now? Are you less tense? Do you notice a difference? Try this method several times a day and record the results. You may find that you are more relaxed in the morning or that the exercise is more effective in certain places.
Your tool for overcoming stress
With the 23-second breathing technique, you can gain the power to overcome stress and anxiety anytime, anywhere. It's not just an exercise for when the pressure is on—it's an opportunity to come back to yourself, stay focused, and improve your daily productivity.
Get rid of stress. Start today – take a deep breath and give yourself a moment of peace.