Ticks are pests that belong to the group of arthropods from the order of acarinae. They are most abundant in spring and early summer, and can also be found in early autumn. If they are not removed from the individual's skin in time, they can cause serious diseases such as encephalitis or borreliosis. How you can protect yourself from negative consequences and how to remove the tick, we reveal to you in the article.
Being in nature is a great way to relax and unwind from everyday stress, but it also hides pitfalls that can harm your health. Be especially careful in spring and early summer watch out for ticks. These parasites like damp places, and in nature they are most often found in tall grass and bushes. But remember that a tick can walk around the body for up to six hours before finding a place to nest. If it does find its way to you, it is important to know how to properly remove the tick.
Photo: Erik Karits/Unsplash
Self-examination is paramount
Before going out into nature, it is necessary to apply specialized means against ticks, and after spending time outdoors, it is recommended to take a shower and carefully examine the hair and skin of the entire body. Pay special attention to places that retain moisture, such as the armpits, groin, skin on the abdomen and behind the ears.
Two simple steps to get rid of ticks
According to experts, the best way to remove them is to take the tick removal tweezers that you get from the pharmacy and z reach it as deep as possible along the edge of the skin to grasp it by the "head".
Turn the tweezers in counterclockwise, until the entire tick is removed.
The city bites after Disinfect before removing the tick, apply the patch and monitor whether you notice changes in the skin. In the event that the skin breaks out, contact your general practitioner immediately.