
How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes: a quick and easy solution to smelly clothes

Photo: envato

Whether it's a musty musty smell, a lingering smoke smell, the unmistakable smell of sweat, or any other unpleasant scent, there are effective ways to freshen up your clothes and keep them smelling like new. Unpleasant odors on your clothes are part of everyday life, so in this article, with the help of experts, we reveal tips and tricks for removing odors from your wardrobe, and offer you simple solutions for a fresher and more pleasant wardrobe.

How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes? By incorporating these tips into your laundry routine, you can say goodbye to unwanted odors from your clothes. Remember that a little extra care can go a long way in preserving your clothes.

How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes - examples:

1. Musty smell

Musty odors and mold on clothing can be particularly persistent. They often linger in clothes that have been stored in damp or poorly ventilated areas. How to fight mold on clothes?

Ingridients: White vinegar, water, baking soda, lemon juice
Instructions: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water and spray the affected areas. Sprinkle baking soda on the clothes and let it sit on the clothes for a few hours. Dry your clothes in the sun, as sunlight helps remove moldy odors. If the smell does not disappear, rub the affected areas with lemon juice and rinse.

There are several ways to remove unpleasant odors. Photo: Sarah/Pexels

2. The smell of sweat

Sweat can leave stubborn odor on clothes, especially on sportswear. How to get rid of stubborn sweat odors?

Ingridients: Baking soda, white vinegar, bleach
Instructions: Add a cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent. Pre-soak the clothes in a mixture of water and white vinegar. Use for washing clothes oxygen bleach, as it is effective against bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. Provide adequate ventilation during drying to prevent odors from returning.

3. The smell of smoke

The smell of smoke can cling to the fabric, causing it is difficult to get rid of it. Try the following to freshen up smoke-soaked clothes.

Ingridients: Fabric freshener or odor neutralizing spray, vodka, baking soda
Instructions: Hang smoky clothes outside for fresh air. Spray liberally with fabric freshener or odor neutralizing spray. If the smell persists, mix equal parts vodka and water and spray on your clothes. When washing smoky clothes, add a cup of baking soda to the laundry.

4. Fragrances of perfume

Although you may love your favorite perfume, it can sometimes be surprising how it lasts on your clothes. How to reduce perfume odors?

Ingridients: Unscented laundry detergent, white vinegar
Instructions: Wash perfumed clothes with unscented laundry detergent. Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to neutralize any lingering odors. Air dry your clothes to prevent the perfume smell from intensifying.

Unpleasant odors on your clothes are part of everyday life. Photo: Sarah/Pexels

5. The smell of petrol

Spilling gasoline on clothing can cause a strong and unpleasant odor. Follow these steps to eliminate gasoline odors.

Ingridients: Dish detergent, baking soda, vinegar
Instructions: Rinse the affected area with cold water and dry with paper towels. Apply a mixture of dish detergent and water to the stain and leave for 15 minutes. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain to absorb any remaining odors. Wash the garment with vinegar in the rinse cycle to neutralize the odor.

How to remove unpleasant odors - general tips

In addition to specific odor removal techniques, here are some general tips to keep your clothes fresh.

1. Try alcohol

Spritzing a small amount of vodka on your clothes can help neutralize odors without leaving behind an alcohol smell.

2. Add vinegar

Adding a cup of white vinegar to your laundry can act as a natural deodorant and fabric softener.

3. Sprinkle some baking soda

Placing an open box of baking soda in the closet can absorb odors and keep your clothes smelling fresh.

4. Do not add more detergent

If you use too much detergent, residue may remain on clothing, causing an unpleasant odor. Follow the recommended amount.

5. Activated charcoal

Placing activated charcoal in your wardrobe drawers can absorb moisture and odors, leaving your clothes smelling clean.

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