
How to repel moths: this plant will work a miracle

Plain and simple!

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Surely you have already found yourself in a situation where you were thinking about how to repel moths from your kitchen cabinets? Wondering if there is a simple and natural way to protect your food from their attacks?

How to repel moths in an effective and natural way? Pray, which settle in our kitchens, represent a serious problem, as they threaten the freshness and quality of our food. These little insects can and are stubborn difficult to eliminate. However, there is an easy a natural and extremely effective trick, which can solve this annoying problem.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to repel moths is to use bay leaves.

Bay leaves. Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

What we need to repel moths:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • tape

Bay leaves they emit a scent that repels moths, and at the same time they are completely natural and harmless to humans. To perform this trick, as we wrote, you only need three bay leaves and some duct tape. Stick the bay leaves on the adhesive tape and then simply stick the tape to the inside of the kitchen cabinet.

This simple method is based on natural properties bay leaves that drive away insects, including moths. The smell of bay leaves is unpleasant for moths, so they will avoid places where these leaves are present. That is ideal solution to prevent moths from entering your pantry or kitchen, as it does not contain harmful chemicals or toxic substances.

Be aware of moths in food. Photo: Immo Wegmann/Unsplash

With this simple, aiextremely effective tricks you will keep your food safe from moth attacks, while preserving the natural environment in your kitchen. You will no longer worry about potentially spoiled food, as the bay leaves will protect your food.

Use this natural and environmentally friendly trick and get rid of annoying moths once and for all!

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