
How to replace iPhone battery? [video]

iPhone battery replacement

How to replace iPhone battery? It's no secret that the iPhone's battery is bad, so it's no wonder that rumors are swirling that the iPhone 7 will come with a bigger battery. Let's face it, batteries are the Achilles heel of many smartphones. But unlike the competition, iPhone batteries cannot be changed without an authorized specialist. At least that's how we've been taught, and last but not least, we're forced to do so by the warranty, which becomes void if we tinker with the iPhone ourselves. If you are wondering about this fact or if your warranty has already expired and you want to remove the iPhone battery yourself, you have come to the right address!

you know how to replace iphone battery? If your iPhone is gone under warranty and you want to replace the battery because the original one is already so bad that it dies after a few hours, then it's time to learn how you can replace the battery yourself iPhone, without the help of an expensive professional.

READ MORE: How to properly care for your smartphone battery

Apple years ago with special non-standard screws (Pentalobe) on the iPhone made it very difficult to open the phone, so we were forced to visit an expensive Apple service center to replace a broken or bad battery. Fortunately, dedicated ones soon appeared on the market 5-point screwdrivers, which allow manual opening, but Apple will be on your toes for that.

You can replace the iPhone battery yourself, but then you will lose the right to claim the warranty.
You can replace the iPhone battery yourself, but then you will lose the right to claim the warranty.

It requires the repairmen to replace the old screws with new ones, which allows them to notice whether the user is there on your own fist opened and rummaged through the insides of the phone. The next fuse is special foil. Therefore, it is worth noting once again that if you replace the battery yourself, you do so at your own risk, and your iPhone warranty will no longer be valid. If your warranty has expired, you can open it with a clear conscience and in a simple way you replace the battery and thereby save a good amount of money.

How to replace an iPhone battery:

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