
How to "revive" an orchid: 5 key steps to make your orchid bloom again

Photo: envato

Orchids, with their stunning beauty and easy care, are considered one of the most popular indoor plants around the world. But what to do when your orchid stops blooming? Instead of throwing it away, we can encourage it to bloom again with proper care. In this article, we will introduce you to some simple steps that will help you revive your orchid and enjoy its colorful flowers almost all year round.

Orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.) typically bloom once a year in the wild, but when grown indoors they can bloom several times a year - potentially every 3 to 6 months. The key to success is maintaining the health of the plant and ensuring a rest period between flowering.

Dormancy is the key to re-blooming

Dormancy is a natural part of an orchid's life cycle, when the plant rests and restores nutrients used up during flowering. This period lasts from 6 to 9 months and is essential for future flowering. During dormancy, the orchid stores nutrients and water in its leaves, allowing it to rest and prepare for the next bloom.

Photo: envato

Steps to rebloom an orchid

To encourage your orchid to bloom again, follow these five simple steps.

1. Fertilizing to encourage flowering

Choose the right fertilizer: For orchids, it is best to use a fertilizer specifically designed for orchids or any completely balanced fertilizer (eg 20-20-20). Be sure to choose a fertilizer that is lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus, which promotes flowering.

Dilution and use: Dilute the fertilizer to half of the manufacturer's recommended strength. That is, if the instructions suggest using one tablespoon of fertilizer per liter of water, use half a tablespoon. Fertilize every other week, being careful not to over-fertilize, as this can harm the plant.

Photo: envato

2. Light adjustment

Ideal location: Orchids need bright but indirect light. It is best if they are placed near an east or west window, where they will receive enough, but not too much, direct sunlight.

Light adjustment: If the orchid does not receive enough light, move it closer to the light source. If the leaves turn yellow or brown, this may indicate that the plant is exposed to too much direct light and should be moved to a less exposed location.

3. Optimal location and temperature

Choose the right place: Place the plant in a place with a lot of indirect light, where the room temperature is between 15 and 20 °C. Avoid placing the orchid near heating devices or in a draft.

Winter care: In the colder months, especially if the temperature in the room is lower, move the orchid to a slightly cooler place. This will mimic the natural seasonal changes and encourage the orchid to go into dormancy, which is necessary for later flowering.

Photo: envato

4. Transplantation for healthy growth

When to transplant: Repotting is recommended every two to three years or when you notice that the substrate has become too compacted or rotting, which can cause root rot.

Choosing the right pot and substrate: Choose a pot with good drainage holes and use an orchid substrate that allows good drainage and root aeration (eg bark-based mix). When transplanting, gently remove the old soil from the roots and, if necessary, remove damaged or rotten parts.

5. Regular care and maintenance

Watering: Water orchids when the substrate is almost completely dry. The frequency of watering varies depending on the season, humidity and temperature in the room. Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes in orchid care.

Humidity: Orchids thrive in an environment with high humidity. If the air in your home is dry, use a humidifier or place the plant on a tray of moist pebbles.

Photo: envato

By following these steps, you'll not only encourage your orchid to bloom again, but you'll also ensure that it stays healthy and strong for years to come. It is important to be patient and persistent, because orchids need time to show their full beauty.

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