
How to Roast Corn Without Fire: These Are the Best Ways to Roast Corn

Photo: Envato

Roasted corn is a great snack, but it can also be a delicious dinner. Roasted corn is also associated with summer, which we prefer to enjoy roasted over the fire, but you can also prepare it in other ways. Let's see how you can prepare this excellent dish.

We all love delicious corn, but we especially like it when its season begins, which lasts until the end of summer. Corn kernels are a true storehouse of important and essential mineral substances for the human body: calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins.

You can only pick real fresh young corn in the season, which ends in August at the latest. For cooking and baking are the most suitable cobs with milky white or light yellow grains. It should be noted that the grains should be slightly soft, but at the same time elastic, of the same size and located close to each other. It is important to clean it from the leaves and rinse it thoroughly under running cold water.

Are you interested in how to roast corn at home, simply, quickly and without unnecessary mess? You can make roasted corn at home on a grill pan, in the microwave, or in the oven. Cooking is the most commonly used method, while microwaving and grilling are considered good alternatives. Still, roasting corn in the oven is a great method that brings out all its hidden sweetness and earthy flavors.

Roasting corn in its shell

All you have to do is cut the silk threads – the hairs that sit at the top of each cone. Then place the corn on the oven rack. The shell will dry out during baking, so it will be quick and easy to remove after baking. Corn prepared in this way develops a sweet taste, but less caramelized. This kind of roasting is best if you are limited in time, as the corn will be cooked in about 30 minutes.

Roasting corn without the husk

Roasting the husked cobs in the oven is a great method if you like harder roasted and caramelized corn. This method will cook the corn faster, but it will also dry out more, so it is best served with butter. This method is great if you want to achieve a barbecue-like flavor. Its baking time is about 25 minutes.

Roasting corn in foil with butter

Hull the corn, rub it with butter and wrap it in foil. The corn cobs will thus be steamed in the foil, and its taste will be delicate and sweet. This method will take you about 30 minutes.

For four corn cobs, mix 100 g of butter, one clove of crushed garlic, a spoonful of finely chopped fresh parsley. Grease the cones and wrap them individually in foil. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake for about 30 minutes, and for the last ten minutes, open the foil and let the corn get its color.

Corn baked in a grill pan

You can also roast corn in a grill pan. To start, soak the corn in cold water for about 30 minutes and then dry it well. Place the corn on the pan, cover and bake for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the butter, to which you mix salt, pepper and crushed garlic. Coat the roasted corn on all sides with the prepared mixture, sprinkle with finely grated Parmesan cheese and chopped chives, and sprinkle with a few drops of lemon juice.

Microwave corn

You can microwave up to three whole cobs of corn. Bake in the microwave for 12 minutes, then carefully transfer them to a cutting board, preferably with gloves on. Cut off the end of the cob with a knife, then gently press the whole corn through the leaves onto the work surface.

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