
How to say a friendly "no"?

"No" is a pretty scary word (after all, the Japanese don't even have it in their dictionary!) because it has as many potential side effects as some antidepressants. No wonder we avoid it like the devil of the cross, when it can cut so deeply into a person. But if you know how to use it in the right way, you can even strengthen your position (level of satisfaction) with it, which you defend so convulsively by nodding.

the word "no" she is like a strict but fair teacher. It inspires awe. It is tiny, a influential and her "word" counts a lot. When it comes to her, all of a sudden we are all "Gorenjci". Why? Because no one would like to appear impolite, would not like to take offense, show off disrespect, created a conflict, lost affections, etc. Yes, this one has all these predispositions an adverb, but surprisingly it can also work to our advantage, not just harm.

Saying no without sounding rude is an insurmountable puzzle for some.
Saying no without sounding rude is an insurmountable puzzle for some.

S nodding we may risk less, but he who does not risk does not profit, and the price we pay for agreeing to everything is paid in our own good luck or satisfaction. So we have to learn to say no. However, it is important to throw "no" not as a bomb, but as a water balloon in the middle of summer, as something that will not leave lasting and negative consequences.

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They are here three tips, how to say no to a friend without doing it on the dice set up friendship. And if (with Pervol) a softened "no" fails, then consider if it wouldn't make sense to shorten the list of real friends.

Be quick

Do not hesitate with "I don't" indefinitely, hoping that your friend will forget your answer. Because it won't. Don't create hope where there is none. The deeper you go, the less valuable they will ultimately be to you arguments.

Don't delay with no. There is nothing worse than false hope.
Don't delay with no. There is nothing worse than false hope.

Explain why, but briefly

Explanation it depends on the friendship level, so adjust its length accordingly. In any case, you don't have to get out of it graduate. If you like the Telegram style of recuts, please offer some detail, which will immediately exude sincerity. Honesty, something that we all welcome on a declarative level, but at the same time we reject it, because it often hurts too much. A true friend will understand. Take "no" in such cases as a litmus test of friendship, not as a seed of evil.

Suggest something else

The "muffler" for "no" is an offer alternatives. Some form of aid, which is not you. Suggest sources, a person, give some advice on how to proceed with the matter. But help should always be something you are willing to give or do. With this you will not only yourself eased the conscience, but actually help, if you will help refused.

Offer your friend your hand. One way or another. Don't just set him up for rejection.
Offer your friend your hand. One way or another. Don't just set him up for rejection.

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