
How to send a message to a woman you like without upsetting her?

Do you ever think about what kind of message to send to the person you like?

Texting is an easy and fast way to connect between a man and a woman. It's often a good idea to think about what you want to talk about and what you really want from the person before you send a message (especially in the beginning).

The person you like is a real human being, unique and valuable. Listen to her, pay attention to what she says. Craft your message carefully. Women like messages that show confidence.

We share with you eleven steps on how to write an appropriate message, as well as what messages to send and what not to send.

1. Text her within 24 hours of meeting

If you just met, you send her a message within the first 24 hours of meeting. This is a good time frame because it's not too fast, but it also lets her know that you're interested.

2. Why do you want to message her?

Consider and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you want to know about her?
  • What do you like about her?
  • Why do you find her so attractive and interesting?

3. Be original

If you text a woman, let's say: “Good morning, love. Good morning beauty" or “Good morning sexy”, when you don't know her well yet, this can be a big minus for you. Save your good morning messages for when you're in a relationship.

Sending such messages can tell her that you are on a conquest rather than making an effort to get to know her. A woman wants to feel special and unique, not to have the feeling that she is just one of many. So don't be impulsive. Say something unique and personal. And above all, always use her name.

4. Pay attention

Think of something that connects you. For example, if you saw her walking her dog, mention how cute her dog is. Just don't start listing all the things you know about her like you're an undercover spy or a stalker.

5. Ask her some questions

Going back to step 1, think about what you really want to know about her and what is important to you. Start with general questions as they are "How are you feeling today?" or "What are you up to this weekend?". Then slowly move on to more personal questions, the kind that will allow her to give a longer response and not just a "yes" or "no" answer.

Try to follow the natural flow of the conversation. If you really want to get to know someone better, listen to their story. Hear what makes him happy.

6. Say something personal - but not too personal

Talk about your feelings, but don't dive too deep on the first message. Don't text her about all the ugly details of your parents' divorce or your last relationship. You'll talk about it later when you get to know each other better. Let the topic be about movies, school, work, sports - tell her what you like and why.

7. Focus the conversation on her

Don't stray from the subject! When you message a woman for the first time, it's a good idea to direct the conversation to her. Ask her questions or answer her questions.

8. Compliment her

Be honest. Simple. Don't send her sexually explicit messages right from the start.

9. Leave the conversation to her

If you're talking about work or school, for example, don't steer the conversation in another direction. Follow her in the conversation, let her lead the conversation.

10. Sexy messages

Overly sexualized messages that refer to her physical attributes repel women because they communicate that you are only interested in one thing. Show that you are really interested in the woman and that you want to build a relationship with her. Let her know that you are interested in her mind, soul and interests, not just her looks.

11. Don't keep her waiting

If you like a woman, don't leave her waiting in uncertainty. Reply to her messages. But also allow her to rest for a day or two.

What kind of messages can and can't you send to someone you like?

Yes: Be funny. Everyone likes to laugh.
No: Don't be sarcastic or irritable. Not everyone is a fan of this type of humor, and some will find such messages rude or offensive.

Yes: Be open. Be real, be yourself.
No: Don't be whiny or pathetic. Women like men who are willing to show their soft side, but if you don't know her well yet, don't do it.

Yes: Ask questions. Show interest.
No: You don't listen. Don't ask so many questions that they feel like they're being interviewed for a job or being questioned for a crime.

Yes: Send face shots. The body language in your selfies says a lot about you.
No: Do not send photos with sexual content.

Yes: Conquer - of course, if you are getting signals that the woman you like feels the same way as you.
No: Sex. It's too early. She won't hate you if you go slow. But she might hate you if you push her into intimate affairs before she's ready.

Yes: If she responds positively, text her regularly, something casual every day.
No: Don't stalk her. Maintain an overall message/video ratio of 1:1. If you text her and she doesn't respond, then don't send her text after text. That's not attractive. It's repulsive.

Yes: Read the message and write back to her the same day.
No: Don't keep her waiting. If she sees that you read her message, but did not reply to her within the same day, believe me, she will quickly end the relationship with you.

Remember, the most important thing is to be genuine, kind and respectful - and let things flow naturally.

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