
How to properly shuffle the cards?

How to shuffle cards correctly?

Do you know how to shuffle the cards correctly? You've probably been mixing them wrong until now. Well, not wrong, because everyone can shuffle, so with your method of shuffling the cards, you didn't actually shuffle the cards well. You might make a good artistic impression by shuffling, but it's important to change the order of cards from a past game, and what's appealing to the eye isn't necessarily effective, experts say. If you would like to learn once and for all how to effectively shuffle your cards, then you have come to the right place. See how you should and shouldn't shuffle your cards and why.

How to properly shuffle the cards? It seems like a simple task, but most (and we dare say that includes you) do it wrong. Well shuffled cards are an important factor if we don't want to card order repeat from the previous game. Quartopirs swear in different ways, but in principle they use three. One is combining two piles, another is transferring cards from one hand to another, third is shuffling on the table.

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Shuffle doesn't have to be complicated to be effective.
Shuffle doesn't have to be complicated to be effective.

So how do you shuffle the cards properly? So that we don't speak by heart, let's let the experts speak from Stanford University, who examined mixing. If we want to effectively shuffle the cards in the first way, we have to repeat the process seven times, in the second, which is practiced by the most people, which 10 thousand times, but if we arrange them on the table, mix them and put them in a pile, it is enough 30 second mixing. It doesn't look professional, but many casinos also use this method. So if you don't care about artistic impression, then we recommend the most primitive form of card shuffling. Learn more about why in the video above.

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