
How To Slow Down Biological Aging: A Famous Healthy Lifestyle Guru Reveals The Formula To Get 17 Years Younger

How Ben Greenfield "Hacked" Biological Aging

Photo: envato

Would you like to turn back time and slow down your aging? Health guru Ben Greenfield claims it is possible. With his innovative methods and the combination of ancient wisdom and the latest scientific findings, he reduced his biological age by as much as 17 years in just three years. His approach not only focuses on exercise and nutrition, but also includes emotional and spiritual health.

Greenfield has become known for his radical approach to health, which includes various practices, from the optimization of the circadian rhythm to the use of advanced technologies for regeneration. While some of his advice may seem unusual or even controversial, it offers insight into a holistic approach to longevity. His story is an inspiration to many who are looking for ways to improve their health and quality of life.

How health guru Ben Greenfield reversed his biological age by 17 years

1. Changes in diet

Greenfield focuses on nutrition rich in natural and unprocessed foods. He avoids it vegetable oil, as it is said to have a negative effect on cell membranes and the brain. He advises replacing it with quality oils, such as olive. He especially emphasizes the importance coffee optimization, which recommends enriching it with 100 mg of theanine or tulsi plant extract for better cognitive functions. Recommended for strengthening the brain cold showers and exposure sunlight for a better circadian rhythm. In addition, practice the so-called box breathing (breathing in a cycle of 4-second intervals: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and repeat) to reduce stress and improve concentration.

2. Changes in physical fitness

He improves his fitness with the "strike, walk and shake" technique where he drinks a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach, then does 20-25 minutes of low-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or yoga, and finishes with a cold shower. For better regulation of blood sugar, it is performed short intense exercises before meals, such as squats or jumping jacks (only 30 seconds) and 10 minutes of walking after meals. He also advises incorporating more "real foods" such as wild plants, colorful vegetables and fruits, and avoiding excessive consumption of red meat. Practice is also crucial for him "earthing", where contact with the earth through bare feet helps the body neutralize toxins and improves sleep. In addition to planned exercise, he emphasizes the importance of low-intensity activity during the day, targeting 13,000-15,000 steps per day.

3. Changes in emotional health

Greenfield believes that finding a purpose in life is crucial to longevity. He recommends that every day we read and internalize a sentence that expresses ours life mission. Ben's purpose is to empower people to live more adventurous, joyful and fulfilling lives. Practicing gratitude it has a positive effect on the body and even on the expression of DNA, which promotes a longer lifespan. He also advises looking for opportunities to release of oxytocin – the hormone of love, by strengthening relationships with family and friends. Used to improve mental state and sleep sound therapy, such as binaural tones that help relax and balance the mind.

Although Greenfield's methods are often extreme, they teach us that longevity can be achieved through conscious changes in diet, physical activity, and emotional health. By simply incorporating some of his advice, we too can begin the journey to better health and a longer life.

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