
Natural remedies for hay fever

How to deal with hay fever naturally?

Spring is the most beautiful part of the year for many people. Nature blooms, swells and smells, but unfortunately for some there is also a dark side to it. We are talking about those who suffer from hay fever or are allergic to pollen. The constant companion of their spring is painful sneezing, watery discharge, irritation in the throat, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, difficulty breathing, dry cough, insomnia, and what else could be added. But it doesn't have to be like that, because you can stand on the edge of the haystack. The best natural way. Check out how.

Spring means to many onset of allergy problems. The wallpaper is mainly used by those who are allergic to pollen and grasses. Although doctors like to refer us to the pharmacy for a solution, it is possible against hay fever we also fight in a natural way.

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Check how you can in a natural way alleviate your problems - sneezing bursts, watery eyes, itchy throat, dry cough, etc. - and enjoy what spring has to offer.



That honey is medicinal is nothing new, but you probably did not know that it also helps in the fight against hay fever. Bee pollen hidden in honey strengthens your immune system and makes your body more resistant to other pollens. Increase your daily intake to actually reduce your symptoms. The key here is that it is locally produced honey, as it contains pollen from your environment. Through small amounts, the body will get used to it "painlessly" and imperceptibly, and over time you will develop a natural resistance.

Nettle, ginger and peppermint tea

Nettle tea is an antihistamine and has a pronounced anti-allergic effect. Even more if you add honey to it. Use ginger tea to ease coughing, and peppermint tea is best for sinuses and respiratory tract.

Ice cubes, rinsing with water and aloe vera

The solution can be as simple as ice cubes. If you have an irritated oral cavity, if it's that itch that irritates you like an itch under plaster and you can't reach it with your hand, you can soothe it with an ice cube. Otherwise, regularly rinse your face with cold water, apply aloe vera gel or cooled tea bags to your eyelids (this will reduce redness and itching), and rinse your eyes with lukewarm tea.

Vitamin C

An orange
An orange

Vitamin C is a natural histamine and is found in oranges, lemons and grapefruits. This type of fruit also has a lot of bioflavonoids, and the combination of vitamin C and the mentioned group of antioxidants is a winning combination for effective mitigation of allergic symptoms.


Alleviating hay fever can also be done with natural soups. We recommend that you prepare it from onions, garlic, broccoli, swiss chard, fresh thyme and parsley and season it with salt, pepper, turmeric, curry and red pepper.

Pepper and chili


Paprika and chilies contain capsaicin, an active chemical substance that opens the airways during consumption and thus helps to unclog the "leaky" plug. Add them to salads or hot dishes.

Omega 3 fatty acids

It is important that you constantly strengthen your body and immune system, as this increases your resistance to pollen. By eating nuts and fish that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, you will be doing yourself a big favor.

Swap contact lenses for glasses

It is recommended that contact lenses be replaced by glasses when the allergy is at work, as you can then soothe your eyes using one of the previously described methods.



Garlic is not only effective against vampires, but also against the symptoms of hay fever, as it helps to reduce the secretion of the nasal mucosa. What do they say? One pod a day (in any form) drives the torrential discharge of the nasal mucosa away.

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