
How to stay independent in a long-term relationship?

Sometimes you simply fall in love too much and discover that you devote yourself to only one person all the time - the person you love and forget about yourself.

Most people strive to have functional long-term relationships, but it's not that easy. And that's why it's important to dedicate time to yourself, which doesn't mean you love your partner any less because of this.

Here are some tips on how to love yourself and stay independent in a long-term relationship.

Accept that the other person loves you for you

The person you're in a relationship with hasn't fallen in love with the time you give them or the gestures you make. She fell in love with your personality. So remember to cherish what you believe in. Continue to be equally ambitious and committed to your goals in addition to those you have together.

Don't forget your friends

Of course, your partner becomes your best friend in a long-term relationship. However, you should not forget the friends you had before them and lose touch with them. Cherish all relationships and cherish the friends who are with you. Everyone needs friends and no one will blame you if you spend an evening with them instead of your partner.


Do not agree to all compromises

Many will say that compromises are inevitable for a quality relationship, but the key is balance. Every relationship requires small compromises, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your plans and beliefs because your partner doesn't agree with them or maybe has a different view on certain things.

They have shared but separate lives

You don't have to do everything in life. Sometimes it's good to have some time to yourself or have a hobby that's just yours. This way you will connect with yourself, you will have more topics to talk about. The time you spend together will feel even more special.


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