
How to survive a heat wave: 5 tips to cool your home without an air conditioner

Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

Air conditioners are an effective solution, but they are not always available or represent too much of a financial burden. So how to maintain a pleasant cool environment in your home without an air conditioner. In this article, we reveal some simple but effective tricks and tips for cooling your home without using air conditioning.

Although it may seem that it is impossible to survive hot summer days without an air conditioner, there are many effective ones ways to keep cool even without it. With a combination of proper shading, ventilation, the use of fans and natural cooling methods, we can turn our home into a pleasantly cool shelter. Summer without air conditioning is not necessarily unpleasant, if only we know the right tricks for it fever management.

1. Shading and ventilation

One of the most basic techniques for reducing heat in the home is proper window shading. With help blinds, curtains or external blinds we can prevent the sun's rays from directly heating the interior spaces. It is especially effective if you shade the windows not only from the inside, but also prevent access from the outside sunlight to the windows.

Ensure good evening ventilation. Photo: Tiana/Pexels

In addition, proper ventilation is also important. Hot air is lighter and rises, so effective ventilation is early in the morning or late evening when temperatures are lower. Open windows on opposite sides of your home to create a draft that will carry warmer air out of your home.

2. Use of fans

Fans do not cool the air by themselves, but they help in its circulation, which can significantly improve the feeling of coolness. Installing a fan near a window that blows cold outside air into the room, or vice versa, blowing warm air out of the room, is particularly beneficial. Experiment with placement of fans, to find the most efficient direction of air circulation.

3. Natural cooling agents

We can put it in the living room pot plants, which naturally cool the environment, because during the process of photosynthesis plants secrete water, which leads to air cooling. In addition, large potted plants create shade, which can help lower the temperature of the room.

Another natural trick to cool the room is using damp sheets or towels. Hang damp clothes in front of an open window, where the draft through them will cause evaporation, further cooling the air.

Place a fan and plants in the room. Photo: Elika/Pexels

4. Smart choice of materials

Choosing the right materials for bedding, curtains and clothing can also affect how cool you feel. Cotton, linen and other light, natural fabrics they are great for summer, as they allow the skin to breathe and cool down naturally.

5. Turn off all heat sources

One of the most effective methods to reduce heat in the home is to minimize the use of devices that they produce heat. This includes lights, computers and kitchen appliances. By turning off these devices, you not only reduce the heat.

6. Focus on your body temperature

Instead of trying to cool the entire room, focus on cooling your body. Wear light, breathable clothing and treat yourself cold drinks or a snacke, such as fruit ice or cold teas. Cooling packs can be placed on the neck, wrists or other pulse points on the body to help lower your body temperature.

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