
How to survive the winter exam period

The winter exam period has begun, and for many students this is the least pleasant part of the year, when it is necessary to seriously start (m)studying for exams for one month. So that studying is not so unpleasant, we have prepared some tips on how to ease the pain and spend the winter exam period as less stressful as possible.

Organization of time

A good start is almost half of the "fight", so it is best to make a planner or a diary in which we write down all the dates of the exam deadlines, which should also include the time and number of the lecture hall, as this will make it much easier for us to organize our time. You can also sort the planner by subject and write down all the necessary materials that need to be processed. It is important that we know how to plan our time so that we do not end up panicking.

Let's start learning on time

Different people learn in very different ways. For some, only a day or two before the exam is enough to process the entire material, others need a week or two, but it is still best to start studying a little before the deadline, at least three or four days before (depending on the subject or the amount and the difficulty of the material), as this helps to make the material easier to understand and remember things better than burying the entire material to yourself just the day (or night) before the exam.


Although it can be very difficult at times, it is right to keep our motivation and with that we can try to motivate others as well. It can happen to everyone that we don't pass an exam on the first try, but let's not let our whole world come crashing down. We all have our ups and downs, the only important thing is that we know how to get back on our feet after the falls. Let's stay positive and motivate ourselves so that we can achieve our goals.


If we have problems with concentration, the lack of it makes it even more difficult for us to learn, so it is important to separate ourselves from possible disturbing factors. It is also important to retreat to a quiet and peaceful space for more productive learning. If we can't find it at home, there are two excellent options, rooms in the library and at individual faculties where other students also study, and if possible, don't listen to music while studying, because it makes us lose concentration because we focus more on the songs than learning. But if we really can't do without music, let it be instrumental, so that our concentration is fixed on the substance and not on the text of the composition.

Learning and breaks

We should not forget to take breaks while studying, as we would usually need a break somewhere after 40-45 minutes of studying so that our brains can rest. During the break, it is good to take a short walk in the fresh air and eat some fruit or vegetables. In order not to feel that the exam period lasts forever, we can (if time permits) take a day off to hang out with friends or for recreation. If the material is very difficult to remember, one of the best tips for memory is still the use of colored felt-tip pens, because colors help a lot to remember. Let's underline the main concepts, but let's not overdo it with colors.

Take enough breaks during hard studying.
Take enough breaks during hard studying.

Get enough sleep

Although some people habitually study until the early hours of the morning, it is important to give the brain and our whole body enough sleep to recover. This, of course, will also make it easier for us to stay focused throughout the day and we will help reduce stress if we get a good night's sleep.

The night before the exam

Since the night before the exam can be very stressful for almost every student, we offer advice for a short relaxation. Treat yourself to a warm shower or bath and your favorite beverage. Finally, don't forget to set the alarm so that you can get to the exam on time and as relaxed as possible.
Good luck!

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