
How to spend with your partner 24/7 without "killing yourself"?

Don't let proximity separate you, create an even stronger bond. Together they can beat anything!

Some people look forward to working from home and spending time with their loved ones, while others are stressed about it. This is the period when you will be with your partners 24/7. In many places, however, this can cause serious friction in relationships.
Some will rediscover the passions they had combined, but they were lost in the lack of time. Others who have been on autopilot for years, meeting only in the evenings or while rushing from one commitment to another, may end their relationships or become even more connected.

There are reports coming out of China that the number is increasing divorce, couples don't know how to live together anymore, sad! This must not happen to you!

Read the tips that will help you get through this stressful time when the only thing being talked about is the coronavirus.

Make a plan

If you both work from home, you need a plan. Find out what they need from each other and what they don't, working in the same spaces. Respect the boundaries you set for yourself. A clearly defined plan can help you avoid many of the arguments that could arise.

They determine your working hours

Working hours must start and end at a specific time each day to maintain work-life balance. It doesn't have to be the same for both of you, but you need to stop working at a certain time each day and devote yourself to each other as well.

Work in separate rooms

It might be fun at first, but eventually being together all the time will become a distraction, not only for work, but for your relationship as well. So, keep the workspaces separate. If you don't have the option of different rooms, one should be at the kitchen table, the other on the sofa.

Do not work at the same desk, the sofa can also be a good choice. Just don't fall asleep on it while working.
Do not work at the same desk, the sofa can also be a good choice. Just don't fall asleep on it while working.

Take separate breaks

During the workday, you need some time every now and then to step away from the computer and recharge, which you also need when you're at home. Do this without your partner, because he's not with you at work either, right? Take 10 or 15 minutes to get up, stretch your legs, change your environment, what you drink, check social media, or do whatever you need to do, and make sure you do it – by yourself.

They don't bother each other

It is best if you pretend that your partner is not at home during the working hours you have set. If you have a problem or something is bothering you, message each other like you did when you were both at work.

Get out

A few minutes outdoors will have a beneficial effect on your well-being when you feel burdened by work or just want to get away from your partner. Go alone, to your yard, to the balcony, to an uncrowded path...

Make plans for what to do after work

Just as you would have done in the time without the coronavirus, go for a walk now (along less crowded paths), have dinner, which this time you prepare together at home, make a home cinema, prepare popcorn and watch an interesting movie. Prepare something that brings you together, as this will help you maintain a strong relationship.

Do the little things

Create small moments for each other. Since they are together all the time, it may happen that they get on each other's nerves at times, but it is also an opportunity for them to bond. They make your working day more pleasant. Leave him/her a seductive, friendly message on the keyboard, bring a cup of coffee, take care of the little things that will brighten your day.

Tiny moments that draw a smile.
Tiny moments that draw a smile.

Don't take your anger out, take it out on your partner

No matter how much you love your job, no matter how much you love the idea of working from home, and no matter how much you love each other, there will be stressful times. It is important not to transfer the stress to your partner. Whatever is causing your work stress is probably not your partner's fault, and directing your frustrations at him will only make the relationship even more strained.

Be honest about what you need

It is important to keep the lines of communication open with your partner; make sure you clearly communicate to your partner what you need (and what you don't need). Maybe it bothers you too much? Immediately let him know that you are trying to concentrate and that you need some peace. Is his conference call too loud? Go away, and if he asks if he was too loud, tell him so!

Go to lunch together

This is another good feature of working from home with a partner. It's not a bad idea to take a lunch break at the same time, hang out and eat lunch in the kitchen and chat. They probably won't do that when they're both back at work. So they spend quality time together in the middle of the day.

Use headphones

If something quickly distracts you or you want to imagine that you are alone at home, although of course you are not, headphones are the ideal solution. This may also discourage your partner from chatting with you.

Make your partner work

With no coworkers to chat with about this and that or work matters, you're tempted to talk to your partner. Respect his working hours as you would like him to respect yours. Instead, text a coworker, friend, or just take a deep breath and talk to them later.

Toast and enjoy the small victories.
Toast and enjoy the small victories.

Celebrate your achievements

Did you do something great at work today? It's time to celebrate! Make sure you support and allow each other success. Pour yourself a glass of wine (hopefully you have some in stock) or take the time to congratulate each other and celebrate in a different way. Working from home can be stressful - and moments like these are very important.

Make your own to-do list

It will help you see how your day should go and where the time for you should be.


Don't let panic and stress get you down. If you're not used to working from home and being with your partner 24/7, you might find it stressful. Don't bother. Realize that when things get too tense, you can take a deep breath and be as patient with yourself (and your partner) as you can be.

Enjoy your time together

At some point, everything will go back to normal and you and your partner will no longer be with each other 24/7. They might even miss it. Enjoy the extra time, no business trips, no worrying about what to wear in the morning, no worries about whether your shirts are ironed.

Allow yourself to be both in good and bad, look positively into your future, do not allow the coronavirus or working together from home to destroy your relationship. Show him that they can do it, that together they are even stronger!

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