
How to travel sustainably: apps to help you reduce your carbon footprint

Photo: envato

If you want to travel sustainably, you can use these apps to reduce your carbon footprint.

You are in a low start to reserve yours vacation in Mexico, but you want to travel as sustainably as possible? It's pretty clear that airplanes are a big polluter of our planet, and with these apps you'll be able to offset your carbon footprint.


The free app generates a plan of your route and allows you to calculate the carbon footprint of the aircraft you will be boarding. In addition, it also offers practical ways to offset it. For example through tree planting or recycling projects.


Application allows you to track your carbon footprint throughout your journey, whether it's by plane, train or car. The app is also free, and you can choose from a variety of projects to donate to that work to preserve the environment. These projects include wind farms in India and biodiversity reserves in Indonesia.


Traveling sustainably is not easy, but this app encourages you to live a more environmentally friendly way of life more holistically. The app allows you to offset the carbon footprint of your entire lifestyle. In addition to the carbon calculator, you can also calculate the energy consumption of trips, etc. Istočano offers you projects with the help of which you can even out your footprint.


Founded by former Nike and UN adviser Ian Monroe, the app lets you earn points for your climate actions, such as using reusable bags and installing solar panels. Even better, points mean rewards: you can redeem your hard-earned carbon credits for sustainable products like biodegradable soap or new solar energy systems.


The subscription app offers more in-depth carbon footprint analysis and offsetting. To get started, create a profile and set your eco-goals, whether that's cycling to work or eating less red meat. Offset.earth claims that if one percent of the Earth's population signed up, it would plant 900 million trees a month and remove billions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere.

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