
How to wash wool hats and gloves so they don't shrink: 7 steps to flawless winter accessories

Photo: envato

Wool is the queen of winter – soft, warm and stylish. But what do you do when those favourite woollen gloves or hats start to show signs of wear and tear? Washing wool is a real art, as just one wrong step can reduce your clothes to the size of a child’s toy. Read on to find out how to keep your wool accessories in perfect condition without the stress.

Understanding wool: why is it so delicate?

Wool is a natural fiber obtained from sheep's hair, which has one special feature - it If not washed properly, it will shrink and thicken., as its fibers snap together. This means that a delicate wool piece can quickly become a hard, shrunken lump. The problem occurs mainly when wool is exposed to heat, friction or harsh chemicals, which is why the care of wool products is so specific.

Photo: envato

Preparation is key

Before you start washing, take a moment to check the label on your hat or gloves. You will often find a hand wash label or even a recommendation that washing is not necessary at all - in this case, the best solution is to lightly air out in the fresh air. However, if the gloves are already dirty, treat the stains locally with a gentle detergent first. You can even use a mild hair shampoo - you know, wool is similar to hair, only a little more delicate.

How to wash wool accessories by hand?

The best way to clean wool accessories is to wash them by hand. Fill a sink or large container with lukewarm water – hot water is wool’s worst enemy. Add a few drops of a special wool detergent or shampoo and gently stir it into the water. Gently submerge the hat and gloves and let them soak for about ten minutes. It’s important not to rub or wring them out, as this causes friction that can cause the wool to clump.

Once the items are clean, rinse them carefully in clean water. Be sure to remove any detergent residue, as this can cause skin irritation or damage the fibers. Instead of wringing or twisting your wool accessories, lay them on a towel, gently roll them together with the towel to remove excess water, and then lay them flat to dry.

Can wool be washed in a washing machine?

Although hand washing is on the safe side, some modern washing machines offer special programs for wool. If you choose this option, use a cold or lukewarm program for delicate clothes and a special detergent for wool. Also, turn off the spin cycle, as this is the biggest risk of deformation of the clothes.

Photo: envato

Drying: the final step to perfection

Most mistakes happen during drying. Wool does not like to be hung up, as it stretches and loses its shape when wet. Instead, lay the pieces on a clean towel and gently shape them back into their original shape. Dry in the air, away from direct sunlight or heaters, as these can make the wool stiff and rough to the touch.

How to keep wool looking like new for longer?

To keep your wool soft and clean for years to come, consider some extra care. Lanolin, a natural substance found in wool, protects it from moisture and keeps it supple. Choose detergents that contain lanolin, or add a few drops of lanolin to your wash water. Once your accessories are clean and dry, store them in protective bags to prevent moths.


Washing wool hats and gloves isn't complicated, but it does require a little more patience and attention. By following these steps, you can say goodbye to worrying about your favorite winter accessories shrinking or losing their softness. Wool is delicate, but with a little love, you can keep it looking great for a long time.


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