
How to Whiten Yellowed Pillows: A Guide to Fresh and White Pillows

Removing stains and restoring the whiteness of your pillows

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Photo: envato elements

The daily use of pillows inevitably leads to their yellowing, which is the result of sweat, natural oils and other body fluids. But don't worry, with the right methods and a little effort, you can restore your pillows to their original whiteness and freshness. So - how to whiten yellowed pillows?!

Yellowing of pillows is a common occurrence caused by the body's natural oils, perspiration and sometimes even saliva. Although cleaning them may seem like a difficult task, there are simple and effective methods that will restore whiteness and freshness to your pillows. We will explain to you - how to whiten yellowed pillows. In the following, we will present different techniques for washing and bleaching pillows, regardless of whether they are made of synthetic materials, foam, feathers or goose down.

  • Preparing the washing mixture: To start, mix half a cup of dishwashing detergent, a quarter cup of white vinegar, a quarter cup of baking soda, and a tablespoon of laundry detergent. This powerful combination will help remove stubborn stains and yellowness​​.
  • Washing in the washing machine: Place the pillows in the washing machine and add the prepared mixture. For optimal results, wash pillows in hot water and select a two-rinse cycle. It is important to wash the pillows together to maintain the balance of the drum machine​​.
  • Drying: After washing, dry the pillows in the sun or in a tumble dryer at a low temperature. Adding tennis balls or wool dryer balls will help the pillows retain their fluffiness.​​ Similar to the case of jackets and down jackets!
  • Special instructions for washing foam and gel pillows: Foam pillows require special attention and are sometimes better cleaned by hand or just spot cleaned with a mild detergent. Gel pillows should not be tumble dried, but should be allowed to air dry​​.
  • Bleaching feather and goose down pillows: This type of pillow can be machine washed using a mild liquid detergent and non-chlorine bleach to preserve the whiteness. Always wash two pillows at the same time to prevent feather damage​​.
Photo: envato elements

Recipes for simple homemade bleaches

You can use the power of natural ingredients to combat yellowing pillows and linens. These recipes are easy to prepare and offer an organic alternative to commercial bleaching agents.

Recipe for hydrogen peroxide bleach:

  • 1 part hydrogen peroxide (3% solution)
  • 1 part baking soda
  • 2 parts warm water
    Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and apply to the stains. Leave on for a few minutes, then wash as usual.

Lemon and Salt Bleach Recipe:

  • Juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 liter of hot water
    Mix lemon juice with salt and hot water. Soak yellowed fabrics in the solution and leave for several hours or overnight. Then wash in the washing machine.

White vinegar and baking soda bleach recipe:

  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 liter of water
    Dissolve white vinegar and baking soda in water. Add this mixture to the washing machine along with pillows or laundry and wash as usual.

Borax Bleach Recipe:

  • 1/2 cup borax
  • Hot water
    Dissolve the borax in hot water and add the mixture to the washing machine along with the pillows or laundry. Wash the laundry at the highest possible temperature that is still safe for the fabric.

Tips for use

  • Before using any home bleach, do a test on an inconspicuous area of the fabric to see how it will react.
    For best results let the linens or pillows soak in the bleach solution for a few hours or even overnight before washing them.
  • Always follow the fabric care instructions and avoid using harsh detergents on delicate materials.
  • By using these natural recipes, you will not only be effective bleached the yellowed pillows and laundry, but you will also contribute to a healthier home environment without the use of aggressive chemicals.

Regular cleaning and proper maintenance can extend the life of your pillows and keep them white and fresh. Remember to regularly check the labels on your pillows for specific care instructions and follow the steps above to effectively remove yellowing stains.

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