
How to write a good resume - cv

A good resume is the key to getting the job you want. Today, an employer receives over 100 CVs for a newly advertised position, which means that the competition is really fierce. Especially considering that, according to research, more than half of the candidates are perfectly suitable for the position. That's why you need to know how to sell yourself, and a resume is one of the key tools. Check how to write a "success letter".

Great resume it is not the one that states all the facts from our life, because a good resume is many more than just a description of our lives. It is a sales prospectus, a weapon that shoots our trump cards and, when looking for a job, the first impression - which we know we cannot fix. So it's not just our chronological cross-section, biography, but also a mirror of our personality.

Your CV should catch the recruiter's attention. But with so many resumes preying on her, you need to find a way to blow the mind of a potential employer.
Your CV should catch the recruiter's attention. But with so many resumes preying on her, you need to find a way to blow the mind of a potential employer.

There are three golden rules, which every resume should consider. Accuracy, grammar and spelling. Today, we would calmly add a fourth member to this permanent trio, originality, because only this ensures that we stand out from the crowd. But we must overestimate how far we can go. But with the fact that HR receives over 100 resumes, which means that it only takes a short time for one, we must make the most of those few minutes. Just like a soccer player who only gets his chance in the last five minutes. If he wants to break into the starting line-up, those few minutes are the only window. At the same time, you should know one thing. There is no such thing as a perfect resume that guarantees employment. But they exist guidelines, which increase the chances that the employer will take your bait. Let's look at them.

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    • It's a long way from when we sent out handwritten resumes, but despite the digital format, the rule remains that it should be "readable" font, so choose the appropriate one font (so that the text does not appear in the form of cubes or characters on the second screen). And since it's not a birthday invitation, avoid colors, bolding and underlining, and exclamation points are also not welcome.
    • We are also saying goodbye to the days when we used to send resumes by regular mail. Today, most of them are delivered to email addresses. And maybe you have a good resume, but you screw it up elsewhere. Either you have Invalid email address (e.g. with a non-professional nickname such as sladka89@hotmail.com or zrebec69@yahoo.com), or you send the same messages to several employers at the same time so that recipients all at the same time.
    • Tailor your resume according to the workplace for which you are competing. Even the times when one resume, which was sent to different addresses, was enough, are long gone. That's why multiple versions are needed. A CV is no longer a "uni-sex" document, but is intended for only one employer. Before you customize it, browse the web, meet the addressee and choose the approach that suits him best. Because somewhere they are looking for difference and innovation, and elsewhere for strict formality.
    • A resume may not be the easiest project, but it should be natural easy- that it is therefore "easy to read". Which does not mean at the level of a third grader, but a bestseller. Simple but juicy. Limit it to two or maximum three pages A4 format.
Is your resume exemplary?
Is your resume exemplary?
  • Despite all the baits we set in the CV, they are still the most important baits key information, such as personal and contact information, clear qualifications and past employment relationships, and information about presence on social networks is also increasingly tempting. Photographs you usually don't need to stick it, but according to the experience of HR professionals, they remember you better and are therefore easier to recall. Put yourself in the shoes of an employee who is inundated with resumes to help you understand what you are dealing with and how to approach things.
  • Document your skills and achievements with evidence (certificates, etc.) and results (awards, recognitions, etc.). This will not make you appear arrogant (this kind of information is desirable), just be honest and do not take credit for yourself that is not yours.
  • After you finish your resume, at least read it twice. Because just as you once read a school file behind you before submitting it, it is also crucial for your resume to clean up the text grammatical errors and content inconsistencies. And when you do, read it again. But the next day, with a fresh perspective on the whole matter. Because that's the only way you'll really discover all those tiny mistakes. You know, superficiality is not a virtue. Finally, give it to a trusted friend to read second opinion much applies.


If you have been looking for a job for a long time and are wondering why despite qualifications and experience there's no way you're going to get a job, the answer could be right in your resume. This should be an extension of our personality, not just an uncharismatic piece of paper, so we suggest that even if you already have it written down, take it under the microscope and check if you have ticked all the points listed above. Only then will you really know that you are doing everything right and that the problem is not on your side. Of course, there are other ways to attract the attention of the employer. A good example is the project My job isn't looking for me. Many of them also succeeded with videos that became viral sensations. YouTube the channel can also be a powerful weapon when you are looking for a job, but unfortunately Slovenia is a bit too small for such "biographical acrobatics", but it is not a sin to try anyway. After all, even Justin Bieber made it.

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