
How well do you know your partner: 12 questions you need to know the answers to before marriage

Photo: envato

Marriage counselors are of the opinion that after six months of relationship, partners should be able to answer questions before they bond more deeply and strengthen their relationship. If you know the answer to nine of the 12 questions, you are well on your way to solid love and getting to know each other. Check how well you know your partner

If you're in a relationship that's been going on for six months or longer, check yours knowledge about the partner. Even if you don't know all the answers, this can be an opportunity to learn something new about each other.

You get to know your partner with different questions.
Photo: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

1. What makes him/her laugh or cry?
2. What excites him/her?
3. How did the family influence his/her growth?
4. What makes him/her angry?
5. Does he/she have certain spiritual beliefs and how do they influence his/her life decisions?
6. What are his/her key moments?
7. What is most important to him/her?
8. How would you define success?
9. What support does he need when he is stressed or sad?
10. What are you most proud of?
11. What can instantly light him/her up from within?
12. How do you recharge your emotional batteries?

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