
How will Meghan Markle's life change when she becomes part of the royal family?

The engagement of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was one of the most important news from the world of entertainment this year. The next big feast for the eyes and ears will be their wedding and, of course, how joining the royal family will affect Meghan. Read how Meghan Markle's life will change when she becomes part of the royal family.

Are you wondering how Meghan Markle's life will change when she becomes a part royal family? Although no one can know this with complete accuracy, certain changes can be inferred from the known facts about the workings of the royal family. Below, we reveal certain pending changes Meghan Markle.

She will undergo abduction training.

Meghan will attend a week-long training course on how to deal with being taken hostage. There, she will learn the appropriate behavior in this situation, including how to use facial expressions to communicate that she is kidnapped if the kidnapper forces her to record a video.

She will not use personal social media accounts.

Like all members of the royal family, Meghan will leave the management of her social media accounts to professionals.

She will end her acting career.

Meghan will have to end her acting career by joining the royal family. Every good change has its price.

She will have to leave her acting career behind
She will have to leave her acting career behind.

She will be given a royal title.

The Queen will bestow the royal title on the couple on their wedding day. In all probability, Harry will be given the title of Duke and Meghan will be given the title of Duchess.

She will be given British citizenship.

Meghan will definitely get British citizenship, but it is not yet clear whether she will also retain American citizenship.

She will no longer be allowed to take selfies with her fans.

Meghan is advised against taking selfies with her fans for safety reasons. These require physical proximity with strangers, which can be potentially threatening for Meghan.

Her dog will not be coming to the UK with her.

Meghan will leave one of the two dogs in America. The reason for this decision is not known.

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She will leave one of the dogs in America
She will leave one of the dogs in America.

She will also have to take black clothes on every trip.

All members of the royal family must always have black clothes on hand. If someone important to them dies, they must be prepared for it. If they appeared in public in colorful clothes at that time, it would be a real scandal.

She will stop editing her website.

Meghan shut down her website, The Tig, in April 2017. It is not clear if the reason for this is joining the royal family or something else, but Meghan says that she will not return to editing the page.

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