
HP ProBook

... in the right ratio between price and quality. 17.3'' HD LED screen, Intel Core i3-380 M processor with a working clock of 2.53 Ghz per core, 4 GB DDR3 working memory, 640 GB hard disk and ATI graphics card - Radeon Mobility HD 6370 1GB are basic characteristics of the laptop. Adding Bluetooth 3.0 to that...

... in the right ratio between price and quality. 17.3" HD LED screen, Intel Core i3-380 M processor with a working clock of 2.53 Ghz per core, 4 GB DDR3 working memory, 640 GB hard disk and ATI graphics card - Radeon Mobility HD 6370 1GB are basic laptop features. If we add to this Bluetooth 3.0 and Wlan interface and a keyboard with protection in case of liquid spills, the 4720s model is a very interesting notebook for every day.

Price: 739 euros, available at www.rolan.si

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