
Humans of New York - "little" people with big stories

Humans of New York - a photoblog that stirs our imagination with everyday photos and thoughts of random passers-by from the streets of New York by peeking into the lives of strangers and at the same time with each new photo reminds us that life is colorful: full of sincerity and laughter, painful realities and tears, ups and downs, but in the final stage, regardless of everything, it is beautiful and full of love.

Humans of New York is a project whose beginnings date back to 2010. That's today 30-year-old Brandon Stanton lost his job in finance and, as a self-taught photographer, set himself the following task: photograph 10,000 New Yorkers and arrange their photos on a map. But the project soon took a different path, and Stanton began including short thoughts from people alongside the photos. Photoblog started getting more and more fans and today millions of people follow the daily posts. It came out like that last year as well the book Humans of New York, which landed at number one on the chart in November The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2013.

The book Humans of New York took first place on The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2013 in November.
The book Humans of New York took first place on The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2013 in November.

Following the example of Stanton's idea, other similar projects began to emerge around the world (Humans of Amsterdam, Humans of London, Humans of Sydney, Humans of Rome...). It is also an interesting joint project Humans of Planet Earth, which tells the stories of people from different parts of the world with the photos of 130 photographers in different locations around the world. A similar movement with a name People of Slovenia but we also have Slovenians on Facebook.

In our gallery, see a selection of the best photos and stories of random people from the streets of New York, who will make you laugh or touch you with their sparkle, sincerity and humor, and some of them will remind you that we have many things to be grateful for in our lives .

Link to the photoblog: humansofnewyork.com

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