
Humor on the streets

The streets will come to life in a new way with the help of trendy fashion for young girls from the brand Sixxa, which has been on the scene since 2004, when they launched hand-printed T-shirts. Step by step, Sixxa has grown and developed into a brand that caters to active young women with a colorful lifestyle. The influences are clearly visible in the clothes...

The streets will come to life in a new way with the help of trendy fashion for young girls from the brand Sixxa, which has been on the scene since 2004, when they launched hand-printed T-shirts. Step by step, Sixxa has grown and developed into a brand that caters to active young women with a colorful lifestyle. In the clothes, the influences of street art, board sports and music are clearly visible, which are expressed through humorous prints, bright colors, asymmetric and other unusual cuts.

Atipika shop, Krakovski nasip 10, Ljubljana, in http://sixxa.at

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