
Hyperflight through the charms of Amsterdam

A city of rich heritage, cultural diversity, inspiring trends and unreserved cosmopolitanism. All this is Amsterdam, whose magical spirit Jack Fisher managed to capture in the film "Amsterdam in Motion".

Amsterdam it has long gone beyond the image where young people would go to coffee shops and men to party in the red light district. A fishing village at the mouth of the river Amstel, which has transformed into the largest planned city in Northern Europe, today brings many fascinating experiences. A film created using the advanced technique of jump photography with a moving camera at a distance (hyperlapse), thus offering a nearly 2 1/2 minute long view through winding river channels, cobbled streets of stunning buildings, and vast blossoming parks. Regardless of whether we set out on a journey by the most popular means of transport, bicycle and boat, or on foot, we can expect open hospitality at every step and, in the end, a gentle fall in love with a city that is hard to forget.

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