
Hyperloop – the revealed interior of the means of transport of the future

The interior of the Hyperloop transport vehicle of the future

We recently wrote that the Hyperloop is a future form of transport that will once again relativize time, as it will enable travel at the "speed of light" (up to 1200 km/h, and on average we will slide at a speed of 700 km/h) – passed its first public test, and now we can already see what the journey will look like from the inside. The passenger module slightly resembles the cabin of a passenger plane and is therefore not very wide, but the good hour it will take us to get to Paris from Ljubljana, we will be patient if we have to, right?

Elon Musk first introduced the Hyperloop chassis, we wrote recently about passing the first test successfully, but now we have a company Hyperloop Transportation Technologies offered further insight into the interior of the transport of the future, a passenger module that runs along magnetic rails in an airless tube and is powered by electricity. Due to the expensive infrastructure, it will take a while longer to travel by train to Paris than today with the fast train from Ljubljana to Maribor. Even the planes that will be the only ones that can compete with the Hyperloop in terms of speed will not land very soon, since the Hyperloop cannot (yet) cross the oceans.

READ MORE: Hyperloop - the transport of the future - successfully passed its first test

If you expected living room luxury, unfortunately we have to disappoint you. Passenger cabin concept Hyperloopa seems to be the one narrow, the same applies to seats. And what are the windows for?, if we are walking down a dark tunnel? So that people would not be seized en masse by claustrophobia? Maybe also. The fact is that windows are not an end in themselves and are there simply because we are used to them. With the help of technology, we will still be able to observe nature through it like on classic trains, but it will take care of the view augmented reality technology, but not nature. So it will be about interactive screens, which will also be used to play movies, provide information (also about driving), etc. They will be equipped with motion sensors, with the help of which the screen will adapt to the viewing position and not the other way around, as we are used to.

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