
I learned to love myself – by saying goodbye to those who didn't appreciate me

Photo: envato

Do you often wonder if you are enough? Is your worth really based on how much you give to others, how much you achieve, how much you are accepted?

Slow down. Forget the expectations the world places on you. Don't measure your life by schedules that weren't written by your own hands. Focus on yourself. On what... what you really want.

Trust your decisions. Stand by them, even when they don't bring the desired results. Learn from mistakes., but don't forget about the victories. Take your time to grow without worrying about speed. Don't force yourself in directions that your dreams didn't choose.

Protect your energy. Don't waste it on those who don't see your worth. Stop proving yourself to people you don't even appreciate. Find those who understand you without explanation, who accept you without conditions.

Be vulnerable. Be honest. Be open.Live by your values, not the expectations of others. Build a life that feels like yours.

Take care of your mind. Nurture your body. Feed your soul. Don't apologize. for existing.

Say what needs to be said. Feel what needs to be felt. Don't expect perfection. Allow yourself to be human. Look around you. Notice the beautiful moments. Celebrate the small victories. Accept defeats without shame. Forgive yourself when you fail.

Stop. Stop it. Photo: Freepik

And then? Try again. Again. And again. Never stop trying.

Slow down when you're happy.

Why are you running away? Why are you telling yourself that happiness can't last? The world teaches you that you should always be yearning for something bigger, better, greater success, greater achievement. But happiness is not a goal. Happiness is not a reward. Happiness is a moment.

When you laugh, prolong the moment. When you feel peaceful, don't think about when it will end. When you are overwhelmed by a feeling of satisfaction, don't throw it away for something you haven't achieved yet.

Life is not a race. You're not in a hurry.

Trust yourself, even if you make mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes the wrong decision sometimes. But your mistakes are not your defeat. Your worth does not depend on how many times you do the right thing.

Trust your instincts.. Your voice matters. Don't wait for permission to follow your dreams. You don't need approval to be true to yourself.

Have fun. Photo: Freepik

The decisions you make are yours. What if they ever turn out to be wrong? Admit it, correct your course, and move on. No guilt. No shame.

Don't waste your energy on the wrong people.

How many times have you tried to prove your worth to someone who never saw your true light? How many times have you exhausted yourself in relationships that left you empty?

Stop trying for those who don't appreciate your existence. Your worth is not based on how much you are willing to give to someone who gives you nothing in return.

Be where you are accepted.Surround yourself with people who understand you effortlessly, who don't need your apologies and explanations. If someone keeps making you doubt yourself, let them go.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

You don't always have to solve everything yourself. Being strong doesn't mean you never need anyone. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of maturity. It shows that you're strong enough to admit that you can't handle everything on your own.

No one is meant to walk this path completely alone. Be there for others, but also allow others to be there for you.

Don't apologize for being who you are.

Don't shrink yourself to be more understandable to others. Don't hide your dreams because they seem too big. Don't silence your voice because someone feels uncomfortable around it.

Your thoughts, your ideas, your feelings – they all matter.. Your existence doesn't need permission. You don't need to justify who you are. You are enough, just the way you are.

Once again. Have fun. Photo: Freepik

Celebrate every victory – even the smallest one

Don't wait for "big" things to allow yourself to be proud of yourself. A great success is made up of a thousand small steps. If you got up today, even though it was hard - that's a victory.

If you said something that wasn't good for you - that's a victory. If you took a moment to breathe - that's a victory. All of that counts. All of that means you've made progress.

Forgive yourself when you fall – and move on.

Failures are part of the journey. They don't determine your worth. They determine your growth. When you don't do something perfectly, it doesn't mean you're not good enough. It means you're human.

Stop punishing yourself. Stop dwelling on the past and blaming yourself for things you can't change. You are no longer the person who made that mistake. You are growing. You are changing. You are moving forward. Forgive yourself and try again.

Persevere. Always.

If you feel lost today – persevere. If you doubt yourself – persevere. If you don't see yourself in the light that others see you in – persevere.
Self-love is not a one-time decision. It's a practice. Something you have to choose every day.

Be patient with yourself. Don't give up. Never.

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