
Titovo Velenje ice cream – ice cream with the taste of former Yugoslavia

Titovo Velenje ice cream

Velenje was once known as Tito's Velenje. Since recently, in this fifth largest city in Slovenia, you can also experience the spirit of the socialist past with Titovo Velenje ice cream, which is offered on the Velenjska beach in the Veleja-led ice cream parlor by Lake Rudniške. Ice cream went for honey and the authors are already thinking about including it in their regular offer.

In Velenje they are in an ice cream shop Veleja-ice by Rudniške jezero (Velenjska beach) recently offered to guests Titovo Velenje ice cream. Dark ice cream decorated with a red star became overnight summer hit. The idea came to a regular customer of the bar after he saw an ice cream named after Venice in Veleja-led - Venice.

Ice cream Veleja-led.
Ice cream store Veleja-ice

Titovo Velenje ice cream buyers looted. The people of Velenje are proud of their entire history, so despite the fact that Tito was a controversial historical figure, the owner did not encounter any negative reactions (not least, Velenje is the only town in Slovenia where Tito's monument still stands on the main square). It's made milk based and topped with milk chocolate and decorated with a characteristic five-pointed red star, and the label bears Tito's image.

READ MORE: Stinking cheese ice cream drove the Czechs crazy

Titovo Velenje ice cream.
Titovo Velenje ice cream

Currently Tito's ice cream Veleja-led is not in the offer, as it was sold out in no time, but due to its great success, it is planned to return it to the offer quickly. If, of course, the constitutional court, such as e.g. at Titova Street in Ljubljana.

Veleja-ice on the Velenjska beach.
Veleja-ice on the Velenjska beach

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