
iCukoo - the application with which you donate

The snooze function is one of those functions that we use quite often on our mobile phones. It rarely happens that we do not tap snooze at least once when the alarm is activated. In fact, the satisfaction of killing an alarm clock like this is equal to the satisfaction of getting rid of a pesky mosquito. We still have a nap on our conscience, but not a mosquito. But with the iCukoo app, you'll get rid of the guilt, ha, you'll even be proud of yourself, because you'll be donating.

Some run or cycle for a good cause, others donate clothes and food, others sing, others they volunteer… But all these things require more than just that to wave a finger and you know what it's like when someone tells you to take part in a charity run at 8 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. That's when you turn over for the first time in bed or hit for the first time "snooze". And when we're talking about lounging. iCukoo app has found an excellent solution that can you donate, without having to give up the weekend house lying in bed, which often makes us feel guilty.

This is how we buy ourselves indulgences. Not everyone is enthusiastic about physical activities, but that doesn't mean they don't like to help. That's why charity doesn't have to be measured only in kilometers driven. Let in the amount of pressures on the snooze. Yes, donating has never been easier. Replace the usual alarm clock with alarm iCukoo and specify the price of a nap . When you reach a certain the amount (currently it's £1), the app will send you a message asking if you want to donate that amount to a chosen charity.

READ MORE: How to become a morning person

iCukoo, when lounging not only feels good, but is also charitable.
iCukoo, when lounging not only feels good, but is also charitable.

At the moment the app is limited to the UK, but given that everyone else is having trouble finding it too a convenient excuse for lounging, we will certainly quickly adopt charity as a reason.

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