
Idea Italia 2018: the market of Italian delicacies again in Ljubljana

Idea Italia 2018: the market of Italian delicacies again in Ljubljana

For the third time this year, the Italian market Idea Italia will present delicacies from various Italian places to visitors at the central Ljubljana market. For five days, from November 21 to 25, chefs will prepare typical Italian dishes for visitors. Along with the food, you will also be able to play hand football. You can also bring the children with you, as they will be able to participate in fun and educational games.

Important information
Pogačarjev trg
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Idea Italia is an Italian marketplace, which is on Pogačarjev trg has already delighted all lovers of Italian food. They were already with us in April and June this year, in November they announced revisiting the capital. So they will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m fresh products from various Italian places.

It will be a five-day event spiced up by guest chefs, who will prepare various delicacies, which of course you will be able to taste. Those of you who like sports will also be able to played handball.

It's an event free of charge, so there's really no reason not to take a peek Italian market and allowed the magical aromas of the cuisine of our western neighbor to they stun you.

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