
Perfect holiday and New Year make-up

Are you looking for the perfect holiday or New Year's make-up? We allow ourselves to be inspired by the beauties from the red carpets and catwalks for our make-up for the longest night of the year. Let's not forget our favorite red lipstick, eye shadows in metallic shades, play with the color blue and emphasize the eyes with eyeliner in the style of the sixties. Here are suggestions and ideas for "sexy" holiday make-up.

Regardless of our choice make-up, we have to feel like me even for the longest night of the year. We don't start anything if we are not sure that we will be completely satisfied with the result. Fortunately, there are quite a few fashionable looks this season that will satisfy the expectations and tastes of all women. We have selected something for you complete layouts, which belong to catwalks and red carpets and with whom we will be on the longest night indeed shined!

READ MORE: Key makeup trends for spring 2016

In the photo gallery, you can see make-up ideas for the longest night of the year, New Year's Eve.

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