
Identical twins were ashamed of their hair. They are famous today because of them!

Cipirana Quann and TK Wonder are identical twins, girls who attract the attention of both men and women. Not long ago, they absolutely hated their afro hair, but today they are famous for it.

"I started to actually hate my hair and just see it as a big obstacle," she said Cipriana. Eventually, however, they became girlfriends reconciled and began to accept their hair. This led to the two becoming famous on Instagram 'queens of natural hair' and with that he is the envy of many women around the world.

READ MORE: Twin sisters who are completely different

Identical twins Cipriana Quann and TK Wonder
Identical twins Cipriana Quann and TK Wonder

A identical twins they don't just have pretty faces - together with their friend Nikisha Brunson they are behind the natural hair blog Urban Bush Babes. "I think it got to a point where people who wore natural hair were looked down upon, and there was a kind of stigma around people who wore natural Afros," she said. TK Wonder. "The blog was created with the aim of breaking down stereotypes and disparaging attitudes towards those who wear natural afro hairstyles."
Today, the girls, identical twins Cipriana Quann and TK Wonder, are doing everything with ambition, confidence, passion and of course lots and lots of hair.

Gallery - Cipriana Quann and TK Wonder: Identical twins with the most badass afro hairstyles

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