
If a person has a good heart but has lost faith in you, it's over!

He must have turned over every stone in the world to find an excuse to keep you in his life. People with a good heart believe everything you tell them. Not because they are naive or stupid, but because they believe in human goodness!

People with a good heart they want to believe that everyone is honest and sincere, that they are genuine, and that they have the best intentions. Although they have seen and experienced firsthand that the world is often dirty and unjust, it is still in people they only see the best. Therefore, they will give you countless opportunities to prove them right. They will go out of their comfort zone and do whatever they can for you without thinking twice.

No, they are not naive, but they have confidence in you. A good heart is not good because it knows only good things. It is good because it has consciously decided to go against everything it has seen and experienced. He believes that you can do right, he believes that you do everything you can.

No, they are not naive, but they have confidence in you.
No, they are not naive, but they have confidence in you.

But even the best people and the best hearts grow weary. Their faith, their trust is being tested. Their character is being challenged. Despite everything they believe in and follow, every time someone hurts them, they begin to wonder why they are the way they are?

They won't change, they just they will let you go. And it will kill them that they were wrong about you. When a person with a good heart gives up on someone, that's it break your heart. He's always looking over his shoulder, hoping that he can turn around and give you the next chance that turns out to be the right one.

No, they didn't leave you because they didn't care about you. They left you because they couldn't convince you anymore that YOU cared. And once they start to realize that, once they know they've done everything they can for you (which is probably more than most people in your life have done for you), they stop trying.

Such are the people with a good heart. Wouldn't it be a shame to lose them? Give thanks to all the people in your life whose kind heart helped you to be where you are today!

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