
“If everything happened the way you wanted, life would be boring”: 24 best quotes by Haruki Marukami

"When people have hope, they live longer. Without hope, there is nothing." - Haruki Marukami

We often find ourselves in a situation where it is difficult to find the right words to describe our feelings. Haruki Murakami is a Japanese writer who knows how to do this very skillfully. His books show that he truly understands the chemistry of the human soul and can translate that understanding with incredible precision and a sensibility that makes you think.

Here are 24 of the best quotes from one of the greatest writers of modern times.

"A world without love is like the wind behind closed windows. You can't touch it, you can't even breathe it in."

"I thought that people grow up gradually, little by little. This turned out not to be true. They literally grow up overnight.”

"There is no such thing as wrong thinking. There are only other people's thoughts that do not agree with ours. That's all."

"Two people can sleep in the same bed, but they are still lonely when they close their eyes."

"We all lose something that is dear to us. Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings that can never be regained. It means we are alive.”

"If you can love someone with all your heart, even just one person, then there is redemption in life. Even if your loved one is not meant for you.”

"When we hug, we share our fears."

"Despite your best efforts, people will be hurt when it's time to be hurt."

If everyone believed that everything is as it should be, there would be nothing to fear in this world.”

"You can hide memories, but you can't erase the history they made."

"No one likes to be alone. I hate being disappointed.”

"People fall in love without wanting to, without reason or planning. This is Love."

"Love can rebuild the world. They say that everything is possible when there is love."

"Human hearts are not united only by matching. The strongest bond between them is wounds, mutual pain and vulnerability.”

"When people have hope, they live longer. There is nothing without hope.”

"You can only experience disappointment if you have expectations."

"If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets me."

"Moving in the wrong direction at high speed is worse than not moving at all."

"What is loneliness? It's similar to the feeling when you stand by the shore on a rainy night and watch a mighty wave merge with the sea."

"Memories warm us in the soul. But they also hurt us a lot!”

"Each and everything looks beautiful when viewed from afar."

"Our reality is an endless struggle between what happened and what we want to keep in our memory."

"Most of the things you think you know about me are nothing more than memories."

"When you stare at the sea for a long time, you start to miss people. When you stare at people for a long time, you start to miss the sea.”

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