
If he really wants you… he will do anything to get you!

If a man really wants you in his life, there will be no obstacle for him, no distance he won't walk for you.

Men have a strong desire to be the initiator of a relationship. It's part of their masculinity. That's part of the challenge. Men love "hunting". Believe me. When they see something they want, they will immediately go after it. Therefore, if that man whom you simply adore shows no interest in "hunting" for you, then he is simply not interested in you.

Such a man can constantly apologize. He will say whatever comes to his mind, many times you will even lied or pretended to prevent your pain and to hide his disinterest. He will say that he is busy, that overwhelmed with work, to him other things are happening but it may even happen "ghosting", where he will simply disappear and not contact you.

Ghosting can even occur.
Ghosting can even occur.

It's true, he can be charming, equipped with a charming smile that makes you melt. He'll open doors for you, maybe even take you on a few dates. What about all those ambiguous messages, that completely confused you? What about when you were left alone and wondering, what did you do wrong, did you insult him, perhaps upset him so that he does not contact you?

Stop running after a guy who doesn't give you a single day of the year, a guy who doesn't work for you. The second you start to doubt that you are something special, you need to cut ties with him. Don't be the woman who allows a man to play with her mind, her feelings, maybe even her body. A woman should be confident enough and should know her worth not to waste her time with a man who is not willing to go after her and get her!

A woman should be confident enough not to waste her time with a man who is not willing to go after her and get her!
A woman should be confident enough not to waste her time with a man who is not willing to go after her and get her!

The idea that you should let yourself be courted may sound old-fashioned, but think about it: a man will show you who he is also through the way he conquers you, the way he takes you on dates. Through the way he communicates with you, the way he tries to impress you.

A real man will "chase" you every day! It will motivate you to be the best you can be, he will admire you for all your "flaws". He won't say he accepts them and then use them against you the first chance he gets angry or frustrated. You will be a real man respected no matter what. A real man will take you closer to your goal because he wants you to succeed because he wants you to be happy. A real man will not play with your emotions and will not call you only when it suits him.

Life can be full of obligations, but if he truly cares about you, he will make time for you, but not that he will "squeeze" you into his schedule only when he has nothing else to do.

If he really cares about you, he will make time for you.
If he really cares about you, he will make time for you.

You should be with a man who will show you that he cares, a man who won't make you question everything around you, a man who won't confuse you. You should be with the man you're for priority. You deserve a love so pure that not even the whitest rose could compare to the purity of your feelings for each other. You deserve confidence, that for him you are more than a "thing" or "someone" with whom he hangs out when it is convenient for him.

You deserve to be "chased" by a real man.

Sometimes it's hard to be alone, but chasing after someone who has no interest in you can only be more painful. Time will sort everything out. This time, however, she will wait for him, for the right man, and love herself.

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