
If I Could Talk - a short film about a dog that will move you to tears

If I Could Talk - a short film about a dog that will move you to tears

Attention! The short film If I Could Talk is packed with emotions. If you intend to watch it to the end - which we highly recommend - get your tissues ready. Anyone who owns or has ever owned a dog has probably wondered what their dog is thinking in certain situations. That they are not man's best friend for nothing is proven once again by the short film If I Could Talk, which gives dogs a voice. You will surely be moved to tears.

If I Could Talk is the story of a man who saves abandoned dog, between them in an instant forge a bond of friendship, and everything else is a well-known story. You quickly become best friends and are together they share moments of happiness and sadness.

READ MORE: Fitko - the first fitness center for dogs in Slovenia

Unfortunately, this is how many a story with a dog begins.
Unfortunately, this is how many a story with a dog begins.

It is difficult to describe the feelings towards a dog that most people have for equivalent family member, even more difficult is the gratitude a dog expresses to its owner. This is exactly what the film If I Could Talk succeeded in doing touched deep in the heart. So much so that before watching this emotional dedication to man's best friend, rajya get the tissues ready. You can see another one below a short film about a dog with Title Vicky, which will also not leave you indifferent.

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