
If he doesn't have these 4 qualities, he's not right for you

"The life goal of every individual is always the same: advancement in the good." - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

In the early stages of dating, you often wonder: "What is your type of partner?" or "What are you looking for in a person?" You answer by listing many of the person's physical and possibly personality traits. But you definitely haven't found "the one" until you find someone who has these four qualities!

1. They communicate

We live in a digital age where people think that a response to a photo posted online is the ideal conversation starter. They assume that a simple like will somehow communicate the intensity of their interest in the person. And then they wait hours and hours before responding to those seeking their attention or waiting for a response from the person they like.

We are a non-verbal generation that chokes on words, assumes and misinterprets messages, and prefers to distance itself rather than express emotions. Be with a person who wants to share their thoughts and desires. Stay with the person who asks how your day was, how your family is doing, etc. Appreciate someone who recognizes when you are down and comforts you. Be aware that it is difficult to find someone who is honest about their past, their desire to be with you, and their plans for the future.

2. They are consistent

The trend of inconsistency creates challenges in the dating world. It's hard to describe the feeling when someone impresses you with their presence one day, and then the next day they don't know you anymore. Some relationships begin with adventurous dates and gift-giving, but quickly end when the "honeymoon" phase ends.

When you are with the right person, the blissful moments never end. A love that is meant to survive will constantly show itself. Your person will be the shoulder you can lean on and the one you can always count on. True love doesn't let you down, doesn't let you doubt or second-guess yourself. True love, with a strong bond, will always find time for you because you will be her priority. Earn love with a flame that never goes out. You deserve love that is consistent and anything that isn't doesn't deserve to be called love.

3. You are enough for them

When you start to develop feelings for someone, you'll soon find yourself wondering if you're the only one. Don't assume you are the only one, be prepared to be disappointed because you may be just one of many. If you are the right person for them, they will not continue their search because you will be enough for them.

If you find someone who recognizes your good sides but also carefully manages your flaws, don't let them go. Don't believe those who want to brainwash you into fearing commitment and exclusivity. There is no better feeling than when your partner devotes time and effort to only one person - you.

4. They are loyal

One of the most important components of a successful relationship is loyalty, but unfortunately it is the most difficult to recognize. In the beginning stages of dating, it can be difficult to know if this person will stand by you when times are tough. Obstacles are the true test of attitude. When life throws you an obstacle, and it will, you'll want someone with a sincere, pure heart by your side to lean on.

The one who deserves your love will climb the steepest mountains with you, stand at the top with you and hold you tight when life starts to push you down. True love will embrace you, help you endure the fall, and then help you build up the strength to get back up to the top.

It's not always easy to judge character, but try to recognize a person with good intentions who will help you weather this storm called life.

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