
If a man shows you respect in these 10 situations, he's worth your time

Photo: envato

Respect is a two-way street. Respecting someone means taking their opinion into account, paying attention to their likes and dislikes, appreciating their dreams and plans for the future.

In a relationship full of respect, they accept each other without criticism or humiliation. Be an example to each other, not an opportunity for argument.

1. During dates

He shouldn't be staring at you or your curves, or constantly checking your phone while you're at dinner. He must be present. He has to be careful. He must pay attention to you.

2. During sex

Just because you're naked doesn't mean he has permission to touch you wherever he wants. If you ask him not to kiss you or touch you where you don't like it, he should take it into account and respect it. Your body, your rules.

3. During arguments

It doesn't matter what someone has done, nothing gives them the right to call you demeaning names or scream at you. Totally unacceptable.

4. During the time when you do not have intimate relations

You should not sleep with other women, just because you are, say, pregnant or suffering from health problems or away from home.

Respect each other. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

5. While browsing the web

He shouldn't leave inappropriate comments on other women's Instagram photos, etc. It doesn't matter if he's only flirting online, he's still flirting.

6. In stressful moments

I shouldn't take my anger out on you. You are not his punching bag. You are his support system. He should be relying on you to help him get through his pain - not to be an outlet for dealing with that pain.

7. During conversations

Nodding your head is not enough. He should listen to what you have to say, respond to it, and make you feel that your words have value.

9. Between - everything

Climb up. The falls. When you're on the ground. When you lose your job or get promoted. No matter what, I should show you respect. There is no excuse for him to treat you like garbage - don't ever let him!

If he doesn't respect you, respect yourself and walk away!

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