
If she is not your first choice, please turn around and leave!

Don't act like you're committed to her when you know she's only in your life to fill a void. Don't lie to her and tell her she's the one if you know it's all just a game. If she's not your first choice, please turn around and let her go! If you don't love her completely, let her go. If you're happier when she's not around, let her go. If you prefer talking to other women, let her.

If you think you're doing her a favor by staying with her...let her go!

Don't think you're doing her a favor, because it really isn't a favor. You won't lessen her pain by pretending to be happy in the relationship you want so badly to escape from. You are not helping her if you only love her out of guilt or obligation. You are selfish and she deserves more.

If you don't like how she looks in the morning when she wakes up, leave her. If you don't love her when she's tired or in a bad mood, leave her. If you don't love her when she's excited about something, leave her. If you don't like how she seduces you and tries to make you happy, leave her. Because she is ALL THAT! She's in a bad mood, and she's happy. It is imperfect and has its faults.

You can't just pick and choose the parts of her to love. She is made up of all these particles, and if some of them are not to your liking, let her go!

Do you really love every bit of her?
Do you really love every bit of her?

It's not fair to hold her back, to drag her back. No, you won't save her from heartbreak, she won't feel better because you feel sorry for her. This is simply selfishness. You are preventing her from finding someone who will love every bit of her.

Someone who will adore when she cries at a sad movie. Someone who will love her even when she's having a rough day. Someone who will love her when she can't control her happiness or excitement. Someone who will love the fact that she likes to laugh "silly" when she's having a really good day! Someone who will love the way he wakes up in the morning and looks at her like she's his whole world.

NOBODY is perfect, we all have good days and bad days, sometimes we act really stupid, but if you really love her, you love her even in times like these. The sun will not always shine for you, relationships are not to be taken lightly, they require effort and love. And if you can't imagine a future with her even in difficult times, let her go.

If you don't love every bit of her, don't stay because you feel guilty about breaking her heart. The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone just because you feel lonely... And that's exactly what you're doing to her! She only feels because you don't give her love.

If you don't see her as a friend who is with you through thick and thin, let her go. If you don't want to run to her as soon as you hear something nice, let her go. If you don't want to take care of her when she's sick, let her go.

Let her go if you don't intend to love her completely, through thick and thin, and especially when life isn't lined with roses!

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