
Just because someone makes a good impression on paper doesn't mean they're right for you

Since dating has moved online, we've returned to a similar way of choosing a partner as it was in the days of arranged marriages. He quickly misleads us into choosing our cupids based on their height, facial features and, above all, their references - where he studied, what books he reads and what promising job he has. However, this quickly leads to a trap: just because someone makes a good impression on paper, doesn't mean they're right for you. You can read why this is so in the article.

Just because someone makes a good impression on paper doesn't mean they're right for you. We can blame Disney movies, our exes, or the unrealistic expectations our parents set. But the fact remains: where someone studied, what interests they have, how much hair they have, and how tall they are, say little about how your interaction will be in real life. However, in today's world, online dating is almost inevitable. Below you can read some steps on how to properly judge someone on paper.

Set your priorities.

What does it mean for someone to be good on paper? He is usually good looking, has developed work habits, has a good job and went to a good college. But it's rare that we come across the whole package. That's why it's important to set your priorities - is appearance or education more important to you? Tenderness or dominance?

Is it more important for you that a man is educated or handsome?
Is it more important for you that a man is educated or handsome?

Real chemistry doesn't happen over the phone.

Although good conversations and flirting over the phone can give you little butterflies in your stomach, real chemistry is built in person. Don't judge your compatibility based on the conversation alone, but rather go on a date and then decide whether or not there will be any bread from this flour.

Chemistry is a matter of interaction
Chemistry is a matter of interaction

Ask yourself if this person makes you happy.

When you go on a date, it can happen that the person is actually quite rude, cynical or even lofty. Even though it ticks all the boxes, that doesn't mean it makes you happy. And in the end, that's what really counts.

READ MORE: These 5 things give away whether you are with a sincere or insincere person

Does the person also make you happy?
Does the person also make you happy?

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