
Is your air conditioner giving you a headache? Check if you might be making these mistakes

Photo: envato

Why do you get a headache after using the air conditioner?

Indispensable on hot days - air conditioners! On hot summer days, the air conditioner is often ours best friend, but at the same time it can also become ours greatest enemy, if we don't use it correctly.

It often happens that because excessive cooling, insufficient ventilation and dry air, we experience headaches, fatigue and other inconveniences.

How to use the air conditioner to avoid these problems?

Ah, that headache. Photo: -Kindelmedia / Pexels

1. Regular ventilation of the room

One of the biggest mistakes people make when using air conditioning is lack of ventilation. The air conditioner does not supply fresh air to the room, which means that oxygen quickly runs out. It is recommended to open the windows and ventilate the room every 2 to 3 hours. This will ensure that the air in the room is always fresh and rich in oxygen, which will help prevent headaches.

2. Air humidity

Air conditioners are known to dry out the air, which can lead to dehydration of the body. As a result, you may experience fatigue, dry eyes and sinus problems. To avoid this, it is important to drink enough water and use humidifiers.

Take care of the air conditioning in the car, apartment.... Photo: Pixabay

If you don't have a humidifier, you can spray the air with water from a spray bottle every half hour. This will help maintain adequate humidity and prevent health problems.

3. Correct temperature setting

The large temperature difference between outside and inside can cause circulation problems and muscle cramps. Therefore, it is recommended to set the climate temperature to about 25 degrees Celsius. It is also a good idea to turn off the air conditioner before leaving an air-conditioned room and wait a few minutes for your body to adjust to the outside temperature.

4. Direct exposure to the air conditioner

Maintain it regularly. Photo: Pixabay

Direct exposure to air flow from an air conditioner can cause muscle spasms and other health problems. Therefore, avoid sitting or sleeping directly under the air conditioner. This will prevent the cold air from directly affecting your body and causing problems.

Regular maintenance of the air conditioner is key to its efficient and healthy functioning. The air conditioner filter needs to be cleaned or replaced regularly, as it collects dust, bacteria and mold that can cause health problems.

In addition, the use of natural moisturizers, such as potted plants, improves the air quality in the room and contributes to better well-being.

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