
Cult Mercedes: If the walls, pardon the body, could talk #PerfectMoment #Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes-Benz is considered one of the most iconic cars, so there is probably one in your photos that has inadvertently caught it in the lens. Yes, it is that very ubiquitous. And when he first set out on the road almost nine decades ago, he began to leave behind not only tire tracks, but also memories. Today, he pulled the most famous ones out of mothballs.

Every kid's fingers have probably gotten itchy at some point when they came face-to-face with a once-protruding sign Mercedes-Benz. For some, the parents prevented the temptation quickly enough, while others had no choice but to quickly blow it with the 'trophy' and hope that no one saw them. Mercedes-Benz is so powerful and so firmly rooted icon, that surely each of us has a story about him. If nothing else, at least a fantasy or an oxidized car ticket. So just think what happens when Mercedes-Benz he himself starts browsing the archives and looking for past and present owners who in one way or another pose next to these iconic cars. The result is absolutely fascinating. Of course, they didn't forget about everyone else and opened the door wide to the stories of just about every single person via Twitter (#PerfectMoment) and their official website.

Another invitation to visit the fantastic "Mercedes-Benz" gallery

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