
If he does these 10 things, your relationship has no future

Photo: envato

You meet a man. It seems wonderful. His appearance. Sweet words over the phone. And then they meet. Slowly his true face begins to show.

Everything changes when you realize that he doesn't really care about you at all. He wants to control you. You are not his priority. Nothing suits him, you don't feel good in your own skin anymore. You get confused, does any of this sound familiar?

Find out if your potential partner is manipulative and egotistical.

1. He stares at his phone during dates

In the flirting phase, he should give you the most attention, but the phone is more important to him. So if he's ignoring you now, he'll only ignore you more later.


2. He doesn't try to make you happy

It doesn't conquer you. He's not trying to impress you.

3. It tells you what to wear

He is controlling you, let alone if you are in a relationship.


4. He never listens to you

You talk to him about your problems, every day, and he acts like he can't hear you and really doesn't care about you.

5. Sexuality is not relaxed

During sex, he forces you to do things you are not comfortable with.


6. He acts like you owe him something

But you don't owe him intimacy, kisses, or a second of your time. If he gets any of these things, it's because you want to give them to him. Not because he is entitled to them.

7. He behaves badly towards you in public

There is no excuse for this. If he's making fun of you in front of his friends now, it's only going to get worse.


8. He lies

That will never change, he won't lie any less if you are in a relationship.

9. He is rude to people

Today he is mean to the shopkeeper. Tomorrow he will be mean to you.


10. He makes you feel uncomfortable

You have a bad feeling when you are with him. Don't give him a chance. End whatever is going on, now.

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