
If you're 24, you're still a teenager, says science

If we once equated adolescence with adolescence, today we can no longer do so. Adolescence is getting longer and longer - scientists believe that this period of life ends only at the age of 24.

Young people are paying more and more attention education, which is reflected in delaying family planning and, consequently, parenthood. This helped push the boundary of the onset of adulthood.

As they write in the magazine Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, defining the end of adolescence is crucial, mainly because of the suitability of marriages.

Young people are studying longer than in the past.
Young people are studying longer than in the past.

The beginning of adolescence is equated with puberty. This occurs when a part of the brain called the hypothalamus begins to secrete a hormone that activates the pituitary gland and gonads. With the development of nursing care, this limit has moved from the former 14 years to about 10 years of age.

The brain also continues to develop after 20 years. It is also interesting that many people's wisdom teeth do not erupt until the age of 25.

According to official statistics, the age at first marriage for men in England and Wales is 32.5 years, and for women 30.6 years. In the last 45 years, this limit has moved by almost eight years. Other statistics, such as leaving home at age 25, also point to the lengthening of adolescence.

When is the right time to start a family?
When is the right time to start a family?

Various laws that financially support young people are aligned with the new concept of youth. Modern society is more individually oriented, as it used to be, and we will have to come to terms with that.

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