
If you love her, don't destroy her: remember what she was like when you first saw her

"If I ever loved a woman - the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her." - Diego Rivera

If I didn't love her, I wouldn't be with her. But, being only human with fickle emotions, you might love her in all possible ways, including the wrong ones.

A healthy and happy relationship can turn into a destructive relationship if you don't treat a woman the way she deserves. Will you love her even when everything is not perfect? Will you love her the right way?

Remember what she was like when you first saw her. She was everything you wanted. There was something special about her. Maybe it was her beauty, wild nature, sense of humor or independence. Something you haven't found in anyone else. If you love her, love her that way. Keep inside her beauty, her madness, her perfection.

She is the master of her own destiny, but you play an important role in her life. The way you treat her determines the way she treats herself. You can do something to keep the smile on her face or something to make her feel completely lost. It is a sculpture in your hands and wants you to handle it with care.

If you love her, don't destroy her.

You know she's been hurt before and she doesn't want it to happen again. If she's with you, you know she's overcome fear and insecurity to be with you. She ignored her past and decided to give love another chance. She trusted you with all her heart-

If you love her, don't destroy her.

Never let her down!

Don't hurt her in the moments when you think you don't know her. She is not a book that will end one day. Be by her side because nothing will destroy her sooner than your absence. If she ever feels that you need her, but you don't want her to help you, remember that you will hurt her. You'll destroy every bit of her soul if she only realizes you love her when loneliness creeps into your bones. Because he is looking for your love all the time, not just when you are overwhelmed by fears and insecurities.

Pains from the past may have broken you. Don't love her just so she'll carry your emotional baggage with you. Don't love her if you just want to change her. Know that eventually she will change herself. Her love will heal every bit of your pain. But if you're only with her to fill a void inside of you, she'll know it—and it'll destroy her.

And remember, she doesn't want you to fix her! Maybe she opened her heart to you and told you all about her painful past. Maybe she trusted you with all the pieces it fell into. But she didn't tell you this for the sake of putting it together - she told you so you would know what and how it shaped her into the person she is today. Don't treat her like she's broken. It is complete with all its crushed parts, although they are still scattered around. Accept them along with her. Help her find out why she went through such destructive relationships in the past. Help her understand how she experienced the bad things so she can appreciate the better ones that come with you.

If you love her, love her with all her faults and insecurities. She is imperfect like you and hopes to share that imperfection with you. He wants to bare his soul in front of you and be who he is.

She wants to be with you the way she sees herself in the mirror - crazy, wild and free. If you are not ready to accept it as it is, you will destroy it. If you love her, support her because she will do the same for you. No matter how much effort you put into your relationship, she will put in twice as much.

If you show her the moon, she'll show you the whole universe. If you take her to the stream, she will take you to the ocean. If you treat her the right way, she will love you even more. If you love and respect her, she will never forget you.

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